-Chapter 10-

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Hey guuuuuuuys, sorry it took long. Major writers block! But I got some help with friends for my idea. Sooooo, yeahh.

I'm thinking about changing Adrian to Audrina Patridge >>>>>


-Chapter 10-

"The fuck?" I whispered, seeing that the snoring person next to me was Matt kind of freaked me out. I was never really 'sexually' attracted to him, he was a nice guy... but not my type. I got up slowly to make sure Matt didn't wake up. I grabbed my clothes and put them on fast. I tiptoed to the door.

"Fuck, I don't have my car." I took off out the door, making sure to close the door. I ran down the street to my house. It was still early, 8 to be exact. So I grabbed my key out of my pants pocket and was about to lock it but, suddenly Damon came through the door.

"Why are you here?" I snarled at him.

"Adrian, are you okay? You look like shit."

"Yeah, I'm great Damon. Is that why you made out with that perky bitch, because ' I look like shit'." I know I should just walk in the door. I know I was mad at him. But he didn't make me get drunk last night, and have sex with Matt. That was my doing. And mine only. I should of been smarter like I have been lately. Damon just made me so angry.

"You never let me explain last night." Damon said, shifting his head down.

"Why should I? People told me you were a player, I should of listened. I didn't. I got what was in store."

"No, Adrian. I seriously want to love you, and I feel like I can. I know I can. You're so much like me. And seeing you right now looking so scared and desperate hurts me. I don't know what made you like this, well I know half of it but there is something else and I don't know what it is. But if you let me explain my part, I promise to be completely honest. I just want to explain to you."

His words made me begin to tear up," As long as it makes me feel better, because I did some fucked up shit last night, that I can only tell you. Because you know what? I trust you with every fiber of my being. I know you hurt me, but I have a feeling that you had your reasons. Because you know for a fact of I had a bad feeling, I'd already be gone." He smiled and really smiled.

I took his hand feeling the electricity. It was a way God was telling me it was okay to let him explain. I wanted to know why he kissed that girl and what had happened after I left.. but after I showered..

"Damon, I'm going to shower. Wait on my bed."

I got some shorts, a jacket, undies, and a bra before jumping into the shower.


As I walked into the room I was putting my hair into a bun. So I wasn't dripping everywhere.

"When did you wear pink?" Damon said with a smirk.

"When, I never wore any of this so I put it on." I said kind of bitchy.

Yes, I didn't neccessarily like pink, doesn't mean I can't wear it.

"Okay, Salvatore. Talk. Now."

"Okay, well it all started out with Katherine. She was threatening you, and it made me so angry! She's stuck in that room but she continues to harass you. Or, make little side comments that I don't want to hear, while I'm trying to torture her. She just makes it so annoying and agrivating." He clenched his fists really tight but continues," So, I left her with Stefan and Elena. I couldn't take it. I needed a drink and I couldn't actually go into the room, ya'know? So, I drove to the grill and got a drink, I was ragingly hungry. So, when Andy came and kissed me I was surprised and my hunger.. For blood, just sprouted. Then I hear you. And my heart sank. I didn't want you to be there. I was going to go feed off the girl. But, when you yelled at me at told me it was over. My anger went over board, I took Andy to the woods and drained her..." He said the end softly.

He had killed her. It looks as if he didn't mean it. I could tell by his eyes. All this was driven my hunger, and I could take that and forgive him, I needed Damon. Him and I needed each other to make it through this crazy ass world. And oh man, did I know there was going to be obsticales.

I smiled and grabbed his face,"I should of let you explain last night, or my anger wouldn't have had me do crazy shit last night either." I kissed him softly and he deepened it. But I stopped it.

"Damon, I want to tell you what happened last night with me. I need to get it off my chest so I don't go walking around looking like a freak when ever someone brings up the name." His eye brow did that cool thing and he asked," What happened?"

"Um, well. I went to Tylers to get drunk with Tyler and Matt. We were getting everything ready and Tyler pulled out a bag of weed, and I want a blunt. That led me to the gas station where I ran into you, I was getting a swisher so I could make a blunt. When I got back to Ty's, we all got drunk, then pretty stoned. Matt and I decided to go home. I walked Matt home and we started kissing which led to other things, which led me running out of his house this morning because I found both of us completely naked." I ended my sentence with closing my eyes really tight because I didn't know what was going to happen.

"Adrian, what are you doing?"

"I don't want to see your disappointed face."

"I'm not disappointed. Well, I kinda am because the kid got in your pants before I did." I opened my eyes really wide, filled with shock. I then grabbed my pillow and hit him with it.

"What does that mean?!" I screamed, whispered at him.

"I'm saying all I had to do is get you fucked up, wait I already have. All I had to do was find a bed."

"Fuck you Damon." I got up and was going to walk out but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I couldn't do it even if I wanted to. And I clearly want to. But, I want to wait for you."

I smiled at him and kissed his cheek." I'm hungry."

We both went downstairs to find an eating Elena and Jenna, while Stefan was by the stove.

"Looks like you don't got to make me food, Damon!" I yelled and sat next to Jenna and Elena and started to eat the yummy pancakes that were cooked in front of me.

"Oh thanks Stefan, always taking the spot light. Even with my girl." We all started to laugh. Then there was a knock at the door. No one got up or budged.

"Really? Fine, I'll get it." Damon said as he stomped to the door.

When Damon opened the door the greeting coming from the person that knocked was," What the fuck are you doing here?"


Oh, shit. I know it was short but it was epic. To me at least.


Not only am I badass. I'm also a Gilbert. -A Damon Salvatore Love Story-Where stories live. Discover now