Chapter 10; His Marks

Start from the beginning

My body slumped in his arms as everything slowly faded away from me, the burning of my skin was numb as my eyes began to shut. My ears couldn't hear Jackson if it had worked or not, all I knew was I was going. Maybe I could leave this world, hopefully he'll let me bleed out.


I pried my eyes open to see a large bedroom however a loud bang in caught my ears. My head turned to the right to see Jackson pounding the wall with a angry face, his dirty blond hair matted down on his head with open cuts on his cheeks and forehead.

My mouth opened to say something however my breath caught to see he wasn't hitting a wall at all but, a person who cried out when each fist plummeted into their chest.

"J-Jackson." I spoke weakly, trying to divert his attention from the man.

He slightly turned his eyes towards me while flexing his fists, the man he was beating to a bloody palp slumped to the ground with a swollen face and a busted lip.

I brushed my hand along the bed below me, figuring out I was laying on a king sized bed. While Jackson ambled backwards away from the sobbing man.

My eyes focused on the stranger who Jackson was using as a punching bag however I didn't recognize him.

Jackson trudged around the bed, he stared into my eyes with lust as his gaze slowly slipped down to my neck.

"I can't mask his mark." He uttered in disbelief. "Even if I try a hundred of times."

I weakly reached up to my neck to feel a thick bandage. Jackson huffed and brushed his fingers down my left cheek.

"With his scent on you I can't have you." He mumbled.

I tried to sit up however I feel back down onto the pillow.

"I can't believe you woke so quickly, I had bit you more than I should have." He admitted with a sigh.

"W-who is he?" I asked meekly referring to the weeping man.

His gaze darted to the man with disgust. "One of Axel's men."

I looked to the man to see fear in his tears, he looked to me with a pitiful gaze.

"L-let him go."

"Hell no, he isn't going anywhere. He's going to be my man in the inside." Jackson smirked. "And if he betrays me..- he'll end up like that one Luna I had slit her throat."

My mind flashed to Jameson, he had told me that Jackson had killed Xidan.... Not Axel.

"Y-you killed him." I grumbled weakly. "That's what she wanted to tell me."

He huffed. "My brother was an inconvenience for me, he stopped me from fulfilling my pack with a Luna."

I scowled at him. "Y-you killed the only man I have ever loved!" My throat burned as I yelled.

Jackson rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, I have lived without my mate."

"Because you're heartless!" I seethed. "You killed your father and your brother for what love? Which I won't give you!"

He gritted his teeth. "Well I guess you'll just live your life with a man you don't love."

He trudged away from the bed and walked up to the man who has grown quite.

"You're lucky she woke up otherwise I wouldn't of stopped." He grinned playfully at the tearful man.

I tried against to raise out of bed however my weigh crashed back down to the bed. My neck burned as I moved it against the pillows.

Jackson grabbed the man's forearms and dragged him from the bedroom leaving a dripping blood trail behind, the wall where the man was beaten was splattered with crimson blood.

My heart beat began to pound in my ears as I realized how much worse Jackson has become, he's killed....- my Xidan and beat a man senseless.

I weakly reached up to my neck to feel the cotton bandage wrapped around me. My tears started to rush down my cheeks as I craved to just go back to my old life, the smile of David as he won any game we'd play together.

My mind drifted off to a dream world where my family was whole, when my father and mother didn't fight and grow to hate each other. A world where David was in my arms as we watched a horror movie that we both hated however watched anyways.

His loud footsteps broke me out of my reverie, I looked to his statue while blinking away tears.

"My dear Luna, I will crush Axel and become the alpha King. That man will spill all the plans and I'll know everything." He grinned proudly of his new plan.

"I-I want a normal life." I mumbled. "I don't want anymore werewolves in my life."

He rolled his eyes and say at the edge of the bed. "You don't have a choice, once you know the secret...- I can't just let you go."

I clenched my fists into balls. "Let me go, like hell I'll tell anyone...- besides who do I have left? David? He thinks my mother was running from a gang, not a alpha King who turned out to be my father! I won't tell him of this hellish other world."

Jackson laid his hand on my thigh that was underneath the covers. The heat from his palm warmed my tight urging me to move.

"I love you Phoenix, even if this is a one-sided love. You'll see eye to eye with me once we own the whole world, when I kill Axel everything will turn out fine." He smiled, rubbing circles on my thighs.

"Everything in my life hasn't been fine and I'm...-"

He cut me off with a smack to my cheek, my hand slowly reached up to the burning sensation covering my left cheekbone.

"I will make everything fine." He snapped. "David is fine with his aunt over in another state, and you're fine with me. Don't try to fight me on this Phoenix."

I gritted my teeth as he stood up off of the bed and trudged out of the room, closing the door behind him leaving me in a silent room.

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