Bubble (Fuyuhiko x Peko)

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A/N: Look at image. My good friend Chichan221 drew it. Listen to the song it's funny. Also I love Fuyuhiko, he is bae. That is all.
*Third person*

It was a dress down day at Hopes Peak Academy. Everyone wore their usual clothes instead of the uniform and certain people stood out a bit more because of their clothes. One of these people was Fuyuhiko. All day people had been staring at Fuyuhiko more than usual and for very good reason. Fuyuhiko, of course, didn't notice where their gazes stayed but most of his friends did, they stared too. Hiyoko, strangely enough, is the one that made him conscious of the looks he received. Fuyuhiko stood beside Hiyoko's chair talking to Peko, who was sat behind her. Hiyoko hadn't noticed him beside her until he accidently shifted closer to her. His hip had pushed her hair, making her quickly take notice of how close he was to her face. Hiyoko, being herself of course, had something rude to say.

"Can you get your elephant ass out of my face" She sneered in his direction.

"Shut the hell up, you little shit!" Fuyuhiko looked back at her with a blush.

"You're just jealous that you have the body of a twelve-year-old." Peko chimed in.

"Excuse you?! I'll have you know that plenty of people want me! How many girls would want a fat-assed midget with a bad attitude for a boyfriend?" Hiyoko yelled back. The room suddenly went quiet.

"Ibuki likes his ass! It's nice and big and round!" Ibuki says enthusiastically.

"That's because you're a freak that needs an eye exam, just look at your style!" Hiyoko said pointing at her.

"This coming from Ms. The only things I have in my closet are school uniforms and traditional kimonos." Peko pointed out.

"Sh-Shut up, four eyes!" Hiyoko said, teary-eyed.

"What? Are you upset that not everyone finds you to be the cutest thing alive? Or are you upset that my young master has a bigger ass than you?" Peko questioned monotonously.

"Th-that's not true! I wouldn't want a huge ass that knocks over everything in its path like his!" Hiyoko cried.

"Fuck you! It's not that fucking big! Nor does it knock over everything!" Fuyuhiko objected.

"Oh yeah? So it was a ghost that knocked down the teacher's pencil holder, Chiaki's game, Hajime's notebook, Mahiru's camera, Ibuki's guitar stand along with her guitar, Twogami's lunch, Kazuichi's toolkit, Gundam's hamster cage, Sonia's library books, Nekomaru's clipboard, my stereo, Akane's dinner, the pig's medical kit, Teruteru's knife holder, and Nagito's phone?" Hiyoko said, sarcastically.

"Girls with inferiority complexes that try to make themselves seem superior by bullying others are so passé. Maybe you should try acting like a person and people might just start to like you." Peko said.

"Don't you think you're going a bit too far Peko? I know Hiyoko can be a bit mean but she's not always that bad of a person." Mahiru said trying to diffuse the situation.

"Y-yeah. I-I'm s-sorry for speaking but H-Hiyoko can be v-very nice s-sometimes." Mikan stuttered out.

"Did I give you permission to say my name you ugly skank?! I don't need pig barf like you defending me!" Hiyoko sneered at Mikan through her tears, making Mikan start to cry and apologize as well.

"I rest my case." Peko said and rose an eyebrow at Hiyoko.

"Back to the point at hand please!" Sonia interjects before Hiyoko could say anything.

"What point?" Akane questions her.

"U-Um I'm not sure but I know there was a point!" Sonia responds.

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