Chapter Eight: Who are you?

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Chapter 8: Who are you?


Stephanie’s POV

They were coming this way, one direction were coming this way. I don’t hide from them or wait by the door to explain why I’m here. I was frozen. I wasn’t frozen because I was about to meet the biggest band on the planet, I was frozen because I wasn’t suppose to be here in this room. This room was off limits.

I started to freak out the way I do under pressure. I don’t know what to do. I started shaking from head to toe and my palms were getting sweaty like they do when my nerves run wild. I try to find my footing and balance myself so I don’t topple over.

I struggle over to the sofa to take a seat but I fall down just before the sofa and onto the floor. I look up to see the door handle turn to open. I heart was racing and my hands were still shaking. The door opens and one direction and a male crew member enter. I look over and see Lux run to Harry giving him a hug, as for me I lay on the floor smiling like a fool, as everyone stared at me. Great way to meet your Idols.

Liam’s POV

‘Time for a break boys. Oh and nice work.’ I congratulate them on a great start to the night. Only that it was half time, the concert wasn’t over just yet.

‘Yeah it’s like you weren’t even ill Harry.’ Niall said as we put all our microphones on the table backstage.

‘Ha, thanks boy, couldn’t have done it with out you all.’ Harry said being handed a bottle of water from one of the crew members.

‘Right guys, I know you don’t usually take long breaks during you performances. So make this one rather quick.’ One of the crew members told us before leading us back to you dressing room.

I smell rather bad; I need to change my top before we head back out on stage. We were all chatting away, making our way down the hallway when we could hear voices coming from our dressing room.

‘Is it just me, or can you all hear Lux’s voice?’ Zayn said stopping us in our tracks.

‘Oh I had nearly forgotten the little one; I said she could wait in the room.’ Harry piped up as we started walking again, but that doesn’t explain the other voice with Lux.

‘It sounds like a girl’s voice.’ Louis said as we come to the door of our room. ‘Maybe its one of our fans, waiting for us.’ He carried on. I grabbed the door handle and opened the door to find a young girl with blue eyes and blond/brown hair, lying on the floor. There was a glass jar in peaces over by the bar kitchen, and little Lux safe and sound sitting on the couch. She jumped up and ran over to Harry and gave him a hug.

‘Um excuse me Miss; this is one direction privet dressing room. How did you get in here?’ The crew member asked the young girl who didn’t look to good.

‘Uhh, umm.’ She stutters trying to stand up. She wasn’t like other fans, screaming in our faces or fainting at the site of us. She was different.

‘Its fine, we will take it from here.’ Harry said picking up Lux and walking up to the girl and introducing himself.

‘Yeah how did you get in here?’ Louis said walking past and taking a seat on the couch. Niall and Zayn followed him and sat down next to him.

'Well, ahh, It's a long story.' She strugeled to say. 'Well give us the short and simple story or tell them after there show because you all still have a show to put on.' The crew member spat as he taped his watch with his cubby little finger.

'It's fine you can tell us after the show if you like.' Harry piped up.

We all made our way back to the back stage ready to continue with the show, before Harry added more.

Harry's P.O.V

'Do you mind looking after Lux for me, you did a good job already and I would really apreasheat it if you could be with her till the concert finishes.' I asked the young, beautiful looking girl as I put Lux on the couch nex to her.

'But I payed an alfull lot to see you perform though. Maybe we can chill out back stage till you finish?' She asked with bright blue eyes

'Yeah it's fine by me, but I don't even know your name yet?'

'Oh umm, Stephanie, Stephanie Young.'

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