Chapter One (rewritten)

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Important A/N at the end of the chapter!

October 31, 1001 A.D.

Samantha Mikaelson was not like her peers that lived in her village. She was a witch, just like her mother and brothers, Kol and her twin, Henrik. Although, she spent a lot of her time helping out the people in her village with lots of things from delivering letters to helping sell some fruit from the village market. However, even though she loved helping other people, the one thing she craved the most was adventure and exploring the unknown. Samantha didn't like to keep still and often went places and did things that she shouldn't do to fill that hole inside her that craved the unknown and adventure. Because of this powerful urge she felt, instead of going inside the safety of the caves with her family and the rest of the village, that night, herself, Henrik and Niklaus decided to watch the full moon rise and all the werewolves rise with it.

They were young, naïve and stupid. They didn't think about what could happen. Their curiosity overpowered their common sense. They didn't think anything could go wrong, oh but how wrong they were.

It was dark out, the only light coming from the full moon high up in the nights sky. The three could hear the muffled voices of the village people back in the caves where the village population would be spending the night. The autumn leaves rustled under their feet as they made their way to a cabin they found in the woods a few weeks earlier whilst they were preparing for tonight.

The door to the cabin creaked loudly as Samantha opened it. Ushering both Henrik and Niklaus into the house before quietly shutting the door with another creak. The cabin was only small. Containing only three rooms all together, a bedroom, a bathroom and the room in which they entered the house into was a joint kitchen and living room. The three siblings decided to get comfortable on the old and crumbling furniture, they had a long night ahead of them.

——— 7 hours later ———

It was now approaching dawn, the sun was peaking through the trees. The trio were wide awake, having been looking out of windows all night in the hopes to catch some glimpse of one of the werewolves. However, they had no such luck, it was becoming dawn, meaning there was little to no chance they would see one anymore.

"How long do you think it will be before we see a werewolf, Nik?" Samantha asked her older brother from where she was looking out of a dirty and cracked window.

"I don't know, Sammy. Maybe they don't come to these parts of the woods?" Nik replied from his seat on the old and worn sofa in the corner of the room. He was getting impatient and was sore from yesterdays events with their father.

"Maybe we should just head back? It doesn't look like we will be seeing anything now that it is coming to dawn and there is always another time." Henrik suggested and began making his way to the door of the cabin.

The three siblings made their way out of the cabin and back into the woods to make their way home. Once outside they could hear a lot more than they could in the cabin. Small and hushed howls echoed in the distance, birds were rushing out of the trees in fright. The sun was peeking over the horizon, expelling a glow throughout the woods.

They kept walking, no matter what they heard, not one of them dared to talk to one another. Their only goal was to make it back to their house before the village people began making their way out of the cave so that their parents would not get suspicious.

Samantha stopped. She heard a scream in the distance and then she felt the breath leaving her lungs as she stared at the yellow eyes of the beast in front of her. Samantha had unknowingly fallen behind her brothers and they were nowhere to be seen. All Samantha could see and hear now was the werewolf and the growls it was emitting from its mouth. The wolf approached her, getting in the position to pounce on its prey. Samantha was trying her hardest to think of a spell her mother and Kol had taught her that would help her in this situation but her mind had gone blank. She began to panic internally but her body stood still, paralysed with fear.

It was too late. Just as Samantha gained control over her body, just as her finger twitched, the wolf pounced onto her and began ripping her to shreds. She wanted to scream in pain but it was as though her scream was trapped in her throat, desperately wanting to escape but physically could not. She felt her eyes droop shut and her body became numb. One last blink, one last breath, one last thought, Samantha Mikaelson was dead.


The sun finally rose into the sky completely and the werewolves transformed back into their human selves. One werewolf in particular stood naked looking over the body of the shredded 15 year old girl. He was only a boy of 15 himself, it was his first night transforming into the beast he despised already. Tears poured from his mud stricken face as he realised what he had done. It was his second kill, the first in which triggered his lycanthropy, an accident which he didn't blame himself for. But he certainly couldn't help but blame himself for the death of the girl lying on the ground, dead, in front of him. He vowed to himself that day that no matter what, he would never kill a human ever again. The full moons that followed, he chained himself up until dawn broke. He never forgot the young innocent girl in which he had murdered, unknowingly having killed a young boy of the same age just a few minutes before the girl. Samantha and Henrik Mikaelson were dead. That was the beginning of the end for the Mikaelson family.

I'm not going to lie, I completely lost all of my motivation for this story. However, it has been bugging me that I've left the story half complete but I also didn't like the way that I wrote the story either. I have started to completely rewrite the whole fanfiction, the base line of the story will be the same, I will just be wording it differently and changing it to third person rather than first person as I find it easier to write in third person. 

I have all the chapters planned out, it's just putting it together now. I'm sorry for taking so long with this, I just struggle with motivation a lot tbh. 

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the new and improve Long Lost Mikaelson, thank you for the patience. 

Long lost Mikaelson (The Originals and TVD fanfiction) OH HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now