"Why are we doing this? And are you okay with putting on lipstick?"

"Yeah, why not? Also, you can forget about Lance leaving you and have fun with me," Aaron says, smiling.

When we get on the roller coaster, the security man comes to us. " I'm sorry but please put the lipstick away. It will fall during the ride."

"We are going to compete and it's okay if it falls. It's part of the game," Aaron says to the man. The man looks at us strangely and walks away. "Are you ready?"

    "More than ready!" I say as hold on tight to the lipstick.

    The roller coaster starts to vibrate and slowly makes it's way up. Ugh, I can't close my eyes this time.

    I wait until the coaster reaches the top. I look down and my heart gives a leap. Ugh, I really hate heights. Without any notice, the roller coaster just falls down. I got so scared that my scream couldn't even escape from my mouth.

    I was too scared to even move my hand to put on the lipstick. I look over at Aaron whose hands are shaking and vibrating while he puts on the lipstick. The lipstick gets marked all over his face. He colored his face but not his lips at all.

    HA HA! He looks so funny. But I am not letting him beat me. The roller coaster takes a twisty turn and makes my eyes go wide. I immediately run the lipstick over my lips. I don't have much experience, but I can tell I definitely won this round. I even tasted some of the lipstick. Yuck.

We get off the coaster as soon as the ride's done. We look at each other and laugh out so hard. Others stare at us strangely. Aaron takes me over to an empty photo booth.

We start posing in front of the camera as it takes our pictures. Aaron gives me a peck on my lips for the last picture.

My eyes went wide when I felt Aaron's lips on mine. I pushed him away as soon as his lips touched mine.

But the picture was already taken of our lips together.

Aaron looks hurt as we walk out of the booth. He grabs the pictures and we walk in silence to his car and he silently drives me home.


    "CRYSTAL!" Silvia calls and comes dashing into my room. I was peacefully sleeping until she jumps on the bed, ruining my sleep.

    "WHAT? What do you need so early in the morning?"

    "It's eleven, Crystal! Wake up!" She says, glancing over at the clock on my desk. "Anyways, there's a high school reunion for all the seniors that graduated today at 6!"

    "Where do you get all this information from?!"

    "I have my ways," Silvia grins. For a moment she was quiet, so I was finally able to relax but she suddenly started to scream at me. "WAKE UP! HURRY! YOU NEED TO GET CHANGED!"

    "Okay! Okay! Sheesh!" I get up from my bed. "But wait! It's only eleven. Six pm is so much later. Who gets ready this early you weirdo. Now let me get some sleep." I get under my blanket.

    "The earlier the better! Smart people would get ready this early. We really need to do something about that hair..." She takes the blanket off of me and pulls me out of my bed.

    "What's wrong with my hair?!" I put my arms around my hair, protecting it.

    "Everything," she says dramatically. "Oh, and we need to find you a date, a dress, heels, makeup, cardigan or some type of jacket that matches with your dress, purse, hair bands, and nail polish. That's all I can think of for now. There must be more that I'm missing."

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