Chapter 18

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Many years later

    Ring ring ring!

    "Crystal, meet me in front of the park at two," the message reads.

    Lance and I go to different colleges but we're still dating. We might actually even marry each other! He-he, cute seventeen year old Lance confessing to me with marriage in mind. Ah, the memories of our high school years!

Lance got much taller and I'm still the same height as I was before. Ugh, why can't you grow! But, something did change about me. My hair! It got longer and more wavy. But not that long. It's up to my chest and I'm not planning on making it grow longer than that, but you never know.

    I open my closet and choose which outfit to wear.

    "Do you need help?" Silvia asks, leaning against my doorway.

    "No, I got it," I assure her. She nods and disappears down the hallway.

    Ever since Silvia and Travis broke up, Silvia's been a bit too overprotective with me. She would always warn me that boys will always come and go. I remained on my feet and stood up to her, making her realize that Lance is not like that at all- which he's not.

    I change into a white full-sleeved shirt and a long yellow skirt that reached my ankles but had a slit on the side, showing off my leg. I fell in love with the skirt once I found it and Silvia bought it just for me which was extremely nice of her to do so.

    I put on my white heels and my yellow purse, swiftly walking out of the house on my way to the park. The same park he confessed to me at.

    Lance is waiting on the bench in front of a water fountain. He looks a bit down and sad, so I hit the water towards him- drops of water slowly raining down on him. He looks startled and smiles a little as he sees me walk towards him.

    "Why are you so sad?"

    "Me? Sad? Pfft. I'm far from sad, Crystal," Lance scoffs.

    "Why'd you call me out?"

    "Can't I have some time with my girlfriend?"

    "Of course you can," I answer and slip into the seat next to him just as he stands up. "Are we going somewhere?"

    "Yes, now get up," Lance says and walks me towards his car.

    "Where-" I begin to ask him where we're going, but he places a finger on my lips to shush me. I pout and stare out the window.

    Lance finally stops the car. Thank god, I almost fell asleep!

Tons of food and crowds of people come into view.

    "Aw man, we should have come earlier," Lance says taking notice of the crowd.

    "Where are we? Are you trying to make me fat?" I ask, my mind bursting when I see tons of food resting on the tables while people just shove them in their mouths and run over to the next table to eat the others.

    "My uncle is opening up a new restaurant and invited us. He wants us to try his new recipes and give him feedback on it."

    "Do I have to eat all of that?!"

    "Not only you," he says, leading me over to a table.

    "How do I give feedback? On these papers?" I ask, pointing over to the piles of paper sitting down near each food. But no one actually wrote down anything on the papers! They just ate the free food and then went. I started to feel pity for Lance's uncle's hard work. So I decide I will try all of them and give him lots of feedback.

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