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The bell rang signalling us for lunch. Apparently, me and that Yami guy have the same schedule so he's in all my classes. He seems like a nice guy and so does his girlfriend. They are a nice pair together.

"Word of advice Mark, always bring your own lunch. This school's lunch sucks," Yami said holding up a lunch box.

I nod and show him my lunch box. "I learned from my last school."

We laugh and find a table that we can all sit at. There was a free table in the middle of the lunch room which surprises me the most. At my last school, the middle of the cafeteria was the most popular spot to sit at. In this school, it seems like the side tables are more popular.

We sit down and I take a ham sandwich out of my lunch box. Before I was able to eat it, someone sits down next to me. I look at him and he gives me a warm smile. I smile back seeing that he's a nice guy.

"Hi my name is Bob and this is a weirdo and sort of friend Wade. We usually sit here but having more people is nice. More people means more friends that are better than Wade so... What's your name," Bob said.

"My name is Mark," I said in a nice manner.

"Yami," Yami said quickly and sort of rude.

They smile and nod. "You must be new here Mark."

"Yeah. I don't really feel like asking this question but I guess I have to... How did you know," Mark said pretending to be completely shocked.

Wade laughs. "For one, we've never seen you before and two, no one hangs out with that loser."

He pointed to Yami. Yami looks at Wade disgusted. "And that's why we broke up Wade."

"No you broke up with me because you started to like Cry."

"And when you confessed to Cry that you liked him He started laughing at you like the dramatic prince he is," Bob added.

Yami's mouth hung open for a second. He was about to retort something but decided not to. He just looked down and continued eating lunch.

Bob leaned in closer to me and cover the side of his mouth for Yami to not see what he's saying.

"Yami's in the Hoppers club."

"Aka the Cheaters Club. They look out for any students no matter if they're hot or not and target them. They just want the whole school to feel bad about their looks."

"Ohhhhhh. Well, should I stop hanging around him," I ask glancing at him.

"Hmmmm we didn't say that," Bob said leaning back again.

"Just don't join their club and make sure he doesn't make any moves on you," Wade added.

I nod and was about to asked something else when the lights in the Cafeteria turned off. Everyone sighed and turn around in their seats except for me. They all looked at the door so I did the same.

"We're here," a voice projects all around the Cafe.

I look around wondering where that voice came from. It was kind of sexy and the Irish accent he had was hot.

"The one and only..." another voice that wasn't the Irish accent said.

"The hottest in the school..." another not so sexy as the last two voices said.

"Draaaaaaaaaama Club," the last voice said.

Soon lights starts flashing everywhere all colors. They were strobe lights. Fog started to surround the floor of the Cafe but mostly by the doors. Everyone stood up and started cheering and clapping so I did the same.

"Hello everyone," the sexy voice said as a man appeared burst through the door.

He's kind of cute. He's a bit smol but his smile is so adorable. His green hair is really bright so it brings attention to him (kind of like my red hair) and his his voice is sexyyyyy.

After him, a guy with stubble and a red shirt walks in. On the shirt was a picture of a Swedish flag. He is taller than the last guy and not as cute.

The next guy I couldn't even tell what he looked like. He had a white mask with a face drawn on it over his face. All I know is that he has brown hair... Maybe.

The next guy came in skipping with a big smile on his face. He has a shirt that says "Team Edge" on it. He wasn't as cute either but I can tell that he has a big personality.

The final guy came in and he honestly looked like a bear. (Author real quick! I love Ken. And those aren't my words, those are Jack's)

They walk in and immediately walk to the center. A lot of tables that was at the sides of the Cafe moved to the center where the group of boys was at. I look around when people was getting too close to me and I got up to move somewhere else. Bob, Wade, and Yami did the same as me while looking at the crowd.

"Why did they choose to sit in the middle today," Bob ask looking for a new seat.

"Right. They always sit in the side. Why did they choose today out of all days when we have a new student," Wade reply.

"Maybe Cry wanted to tell me that he finally have feelings for me," Yami said looking at the guy with a mask.

I nod and look at the green hair guy again. He's so beautiful that I can't take my eyes off of him. But I quickly turned my head when he looked directly at me. After a couple of seconds I thought he wouldn't be staring at me anymore and that I can glance at him one final time. But when I turned my head again, I could already see that he's walking towards me with a smirk on his face.

"Hey you must be the new student Felix talked about with me. Mark right," he ask me with his squeaky but sexy voice.

I slowly nod. "Yeeeees."

"Cool. He also told me that you was my roommate." He slowly began to walk closer to me.

I take a step back when he takes a step forward. "Y-Yeah. I needed a rum in the dorm and Marzia said you was the only free one."

"Rum? You mean room? Ha! You can't even speak correctly. Well if that's so Mark, I'm going to tell you something. It took me a month to drive my last roommate out and he just moved out today so I was in a pretty happy mood. But now that I got the news that another person is moving in I don't feel so good. I'm going to drive you out of the dorm Mark no matter what. Even if I have to use force or maybe even hurt you."

He smirks. I gulp and ran into a wall. He walks even closer to me making me push myself against the wall. He moved close enough where his chest was on my chest and I can feel his breaths on my cheeks. I love my head to the side but he made me move it to where I was facing him. I put his finger on my chin and make me look up at him even though I'm taller than him.

"We're going to have so much fun together," he laughs evily.

Bum bum buuuuuuuum!
Is he secretly Antisepticeye? Maybe, maybe not. Definitely not. I already have one of those books.


What is your favorite Septiplier moment?

If you have any questions for me you can also enter them here and I might answer you back.

Anyways thanks for reading and bye peeps!

Quick pic of Septiplier!

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