"Um, yeah. We're not at home, we're at a hotel."

"Oh, why?"

"Someone broke into our house last night and Chres didn't want us staying there. We're gonna be here for a week or two while we look for other places."

"Oh no. That's terrible. Was anyone hurt?"

"No, they tore my room, the living room, kitchen, the baby's room and the office apart though. We have to go back later to see what is missing." I answer.

"Oh, man. I'll go over to the hotel in a few minutes, what's the room number and the name?"

"It's the fifth floor, room 508. We're at Holiday Inn Express." I answer.

"Okay, I'll be there in an hour."

"Alright. I love you."

"I love you too, sweetie."

We hang up and I look up at Chres. "My mom is coming over."

"Okay, love."

"When can we get married?" I ask, looking down at my engagement ring.

"Whenever you want to. We just have to tell everyone we got engaged first."

"Can we tell my mom today?" I ask. "I want to start planning so we can get married this summer, like we had planned originally."

"Whatever you want." He nods.

"What if I want a million dollars?" I joke.

"Then I'll give you a million dollars." He shrugs.

My jaw drops. "You do-"

"Let's not discuss the amount of money I have. My point is, whatever you want, I will find a way for you to have it."

"What if I want Chris Brown?" I tease.

He straight faces me, "Kayla, you-"

"I'm playing, babe." I cheese, cutting him off. "I only want you." I peck his lips twice.

"I better be the only one you want." He mumbles.

"You are, baby." I pick his lips again, pinching his cheeks. "You look cute jealous."

He swats my hands away. "Stop." He pouts.

Bella starts crying loudly, and I stand up. "I'll get her."

I go to the room, where she is now on the floor. We had put her in the middle of the bed, but the pillows were moved, and Bella had rolled on the floor. "Aww, you poor baby." I pick her up, laying her head on my shoulder, holding the back of her head. I turn, and I swear I saw someone in the closet part of the room.

"Um, Chres, come here." I call out, sitting on the foot of the bed, checking her head.

"What's up?"

"She fell off the bed." I tell him.

"How'd that happen?"

"I guess she was moving too much and knocked the pillows out of place." I frown, looking up at him.

He kneels in front of me, checking her head. When he leans closer to check it, I pretend to check the other side of her head, my face away from the closet. "I saw something moving in the closet." I whisper, being as quiet as possible.

"Hm?" He barely hums.

"It looked like there was someone in the closet." I whisper again.

"Where are the suitcases? I think I put on of the ice packs in there." He looks up at me.

"In the closet." I answer, that's where they are. I hope it's just my imagination, and no one is actually in the closet.

"I'll get it." He tells me, kissing Bella's head. "Can you take her to the living room and get a some ice in a rag on it for now?"

"Yeah." I nod, looking at him.

'Get your phone ready.' He mouths.

I stand up, carrying Bella out to the living room, with my phone in my back pocket.

"It's okay, baby." I wet the rag with cold water, then drain the water out, putting some ice in it and wrapping it up. She shivers when it comes in contact with her head, and I frown. "I know it's cold, but it'll make your head feel better." I dial the number for the police on my phone, waiting to hit the call button until Chres comes out and tells me if anyone was actually in there.

He comes out about a minute later, holding the ice pack. "I found it." He smiles, but it's a forced smile.

He goes to the fridge that's by the sink and puts the pack in the freezer, he looks at the babies head again. "Call them now."

I hand him the baby. "I have to call my mom and let her know we made it."

"Okay, be quick, I want to go get lunch."

I step into the hall to call the police, explaining what was happening. They said someone would be here shortly, and to not hang up in case they were dangerous.

I step back into the apartment, seeing Chres sitting on the couch, holding the rag to Bella's head. I close the door, and Chres stands up, walking over to me. Just as he's about to speak, the door to the room opens. And there stands the one person I thought I would never see again.


Who's Arianna?

Who broke into their house?

What'd you think?

Vote/comment. Thanks for reading! Sorry for the wait. I've started school and it's been keeping me busy. Please leave some feedback.


P.s. This is unedited, please let me know if you see any mistakes so I can fix them.

My Teacher (Chresanto August)Where stories live. Discover now