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I'm sorry this isn't a chapter. But pls read it!

I'd like to give a
HUGE thank you to the people that commented bout my rant!!! Y'all don't even know how much it means to me!! I wish I could meet every single one of you and personally hug you and tell you thank you for everything and we can be best friends!!;)

I'd just like y'all to know too that if anyone and I mean
ANYONE needs someone to talk to that I am ALWAYS here!! I will listen until your heard content and I will give my best advice and comfort!!

Y'all have always been here and I will always return the favor:)

I really love y'all and appreciate it so much! it warms my heart to know that people other than family and my three friends care so much!

Y'all are more than welcome at any time to
inbox me, Dm me on twitter (@obvsniallsqueen) or comment on an old pic on my Instagram fan page (@obviously_nialls_princess)! I will always respond as soon a so get a chance!

A personal thanks to @nialler_x , @MeganWalker8 , @s0flyx3_
For the wonderful comments y'all did! I really truly appreciate it!

I love y'all!!!!

Sorry if u thought it was an update which will come shortly:)

Enter my contest pls!!

Love y'all!!


Promises to Keep©(Sequel to The Bad Boy) COMPLETEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang