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Alright so I had this like dream and I wrote it down and it would actually make a pretty good fanfic I think. I was thinking of posting it but I'd like y'all's opinion on it. So here is the prologue;)


Being the ten year old that I was, curiosity got the best of me on a bright, happy sunny day.

It was in the year 2023 on a spring day in April, on the day of my tenth birthday. I was too young to know that in just a few moments I would be taken and never see my parents again. I would never see my grandparents, or my dog again and never even see my baby sister be born.

All I knew was that there were three strange men standing in the doorway talking to my parents. They were sobbing and holding tightly to each other.

I crept slowly towards them in my baby blue Cinderella costume, my plastic glitter heels clicking against the hardwood flooring. My tiara was still placed on top of my mop of brown curls that bounced as I walked.

I touched my dads leg and he peered down at me with sad grey eyes. I clung to his leg as I let my sight wonder up to the three tall men. One was standing in front of the others and seemed to be the man in charge as he was the one speaking to my mum.

His cold brown eyes glanced down and landed on mine while an evil smirk pulled on the corner of his mouth.

"Mummy, what's going on?" I croaked out as the man stopped down to my level.

"It-s ok-okay baby."

I could tell by the shakiness of her voice that it was clearly not okay. I let go of my dads leg and turned to start running. I felt a pair of arms wrap tightly around my small waist and lift me into the air as I flailed around trying to be released.

I screamed and kicked. "Mummy! Daddy!"

My mum reached out towards me, but my dad held her back. I was confused and hurt as to why he would do such a thing.

The men carried me out of the house and that was the last time I ever saw my parents.

***Flashback over***

I only wish now that I would have been faster or never had the curiosity.

You know that saying curiosity killed the cat?

Well I might as well be dead, it would be a lot better than the situation I am in now.

If I only knew at that young age what would become of me, I would have run away.

You see in today's society once a girl turns the age of ten they are taken from their homes and brought to this 'holding facility' where they can keep an eye on you. The place is actually quite large and is more like a dark mansion then a jail.

Each girl is placed in a room with three other girls. There are cameras in each corner of the room and the only place without is in the small attached bathroom. There are four beds, one in each corner of the room, and there is a closet full of different things.

Vacuums, mops, cleaning supplies, clothes, books, shoes, drawing tablets, colored pencils, blankets, you name it, they are all piled neatly in the closet that is larger than the room itself.

Each girl does something they like to do and that comes naturally to them. Some draw, design, clean, attend to being the motherly figure, etc.

At the age of sixteen you are then again separated depending on what you do and are brought into an even larger room where there are only the girls that do what you like.

Then at the age of eighteen you are out up for sale or 'adopted' you might say. Men come to the auctions and choose the girl with the talents to their likings and take them home.

The four different categories based on what you like to do are being a wife and mother, a maid, a worker, or just a companion.

There is however the rare case of having all four abilities. In this case you are under the category of love. There are so far and few between that when one is found it is one of the largest celebrations there is because that girl brings a lot of money from every man wanting her. The whole world comes to one spot during this rare case auction and they save the love category for last.

Who am I you may ask?

My name is Amelia and this is my story and what's it's like to be adopted for love.


What y'all think?? should I post this or not?

Which boy should I make it???

Opinions are appreciated!!!


Oh and thanks for reading my story! go check out my others!


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