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Someone is shouting my name. The footsteps are hurried, it's his voice, he is cursing and God knows what he is doing. I blinked opened my eyes and with all the strength stood up, wiping the dried blood from the corner of my mouth.

''Get ready, we are leaving, now.'' He announced in a hurry, something's fishy the way he acted. I took a moment to register what he said and moved to get ready without asking for any explanation.

''Where are we going?'' I asked him in the bus, he was wearing his hoodie as if he is hiding from someone.

''Just shut your f***ing mouth.'' Was his curt reply, and I gulped recalling last night's events. I think now I am used to all this pain, just like the air. My body is getting immune and my heart , it's already locked to show any emotions. How I hate myself to be like this, coward, weak and a douche bag.

After stopping at a lonely place, he dragged me by my arm to a small cabin at the side of the road. All this time, I remained quiet, there's no need to waste your  words on a
Filthy deaf listener.

I was sitting on the wooden chair, my hands on the wooden table, that was the only furniture in this small cabin. I was staring at nothing, my thoughts blank. He was wiping his face again and again with his hands and looking out through the small window, he is waiting for something.

I heard the sound of a car coming to halt. He started swearing and took out his gun. I was shocked at what was happening. Before i could react, the door flung open, revealing a man all dressed in black with several badges on his shirt, cop? But his dress was different from the cops. His eyes were furious and he pointed his gun at Azhar. Azhar shot from his gun but the man was quick enough to protect him. They both were cursing each other and I felt goosebumps on my skin. I wrapped myself with my trembling arms and started taking steps backwards but to my sorrow, Azhar gripped me by my waist and held the gun pointing me. A shame on the name of husband. Instead of protecting me, he is making me the bait. Fear crawled through my spine, the fear of death. How it would feel to die? The other guy has his gun pointing at Azhar.

''If you'll come one step closer, the girl will get close to grave.'' Yes, he beats me, abuse me, calls me name, but I'm his fucking wife! Damn it! I haven't expected that from the asshole monster, he would kill me that easily, I was only a piece of game for him. O Allah! Forgive me for my sins. I am gonna die.

I looked at the other man, he stood still watching me and Azhar simultaneously. What could I expect from him? My own husband, my own husband is pointing gun at my head and I am expecting mercy from a complete stranger. I am insane thinking that. I closed my eyes as the sound of gunshot echoed in the lonely place.

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