Chapter 21 - Completely Normal

Start from the beginning

"He's being tortured by her right this minute, I just know it." I said, my heart cracking at the thought of what they could be doing to Derek. No matter how sour he can be, he doesn't deserve it.

"We'll find him," said Stiles. I gave a weak smile at my own words coming out of his mouth. I'd said the same thing to Eric the night it all happened. I didn't quite believe myself then, but coming from Stiles, I know it's the truth.

I got up from the desk chair and sat on the bed next to Stiles. I leaned my head on his shoulder. "I just...I want one night without having to worry or think about it. I want to be a normal teenager for once, without werewolves."

Stiles' eyes found my own. He cupped the side of my jaw in his hands, stroking my cheek with the pad of his thumb. "Emma, I'm taking you out tonight, and we are going to have fun like normal couples do. We can watch a movie and eat pizza and entirely ban the use of the word, 'werewolf'. How does that sound?"

I smiled at him. "That sounds perfect,"

I studied him again, but this time I saw something I've never noticed before. It was so captivating that I didn't realize the stupid look that had come over my face. Stiles gave a light laugh. "What?"

"It's...your eyes, I've never noticed it before,"

"Noticed what?" He said, hiding a blush.

"They have flecks of green in them," I said.

Indeed, the eyes I always thought to be a pure caramel color were stained with specks of emerald, always hidden in the light. I couldn't stop looking at them. I had to memorize them as I had the rest of him. I would never want to forget a single detail about him. 

He pressed his lips to mine gently, as if trying not to bruise the tenderness of my skin, though that is entirely impossible. When our lips parted I fell into his chest, snuggling my head into the crook of his neck. I wrapped my arms around his torso, his draping over my shoulders. Our bodies fit together like two missing puzzle pieces.

Every emotion I've ever felt came bubbling to the surface in that moment for reasons I cannot explain. Stiles just brings that out of me. One feeling overpowered the rest, one that I haven't felt until recently. I was happy, not just content, but truly happy. 

Stiles pulled me away from him, stilling holding me by my shoulders. He was wearing a smirk that I doubt I will ever get out of my mind, it was that adorable. I had lost all control of all expression on my face. My muscles shaped into whatever form they very well pleased.

"What do you say we hit the mall? No werewolves or supernatural anything, just you and me, two normal teenagers," said Stiles. I wondered what it was like to actually be normal, and not just feel that way.

"I do still need to find a dress," I said, a playful smile dancing on my lips before kissing his. I would never get tired of that, finally being able to kiss him whenever I damn well please. It's no longer just a fantasy.

We went out to Stiles' jeep hand in hand. He opened my door for me just as a gentleman would. He was really trying to play up this whole 'normal date' thing. To be honest, I was loving it. No one has ever made me feel like a teenage girl as much as Stiles has. After Mom died, I felt like I had to grow up to fill into the role of being the mother of the house. I still had a father to take care of, even Eric for awhile. I sort of skipped over the teen years, and now I'm getting them back, slowly and one by one.

During the drive to the mall we kept sneaking glances at each other and every time we would catch one another we would burst into a fit of giggles. Even when Lydia and I were best friends I was never this giddy and childish. I've had to deal with mature things from a young age; it was never really fair. But now I've let loose, with not a single care in the world.

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