Chapter 2 - The First Full Moon

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I sat alone in my mother's office, wondering if I'd made the right decision. Getting involved was surely none of my business, but a part of me does feel responsible to educate Scott on his abilities. My mother would have wanted me to. She always said that knowledge is power, and maybe that could be the key to stopping whatever killed that girl and bit Scott.

I was flipping through pages on one of Mom's lychanthropy books. I wanted to make sure I had all of my facts straight for when the boys march in asking questions. If I was going to get them to trust me I needed the best possible information I could give.

The buzzing of my phone startled me out of my trance. It was Eric again. He was really beginning to annoy me with this new-found sense of protection over me. It's not like he ever gave a damn before.

Stay home tonight.

Tonight? I was just about to reply in question when it finally hit me. I opened up the internet browser on my laptop with astounding speed. I searched for moon phases of January 2011. I clicked the first link and stared at the calendar with disbelief. Tonight. The full moon was tonight. Oh, god...

Scott would be no where near ready to control himself by then. He could very well end up doing something he would regret. And it would be all my fault.

I was nearing a miniature panic attack when I heard the ring of the doorbell. That had to be them. I closed the lid to my laptop and smoothed out my blouse before scurrying out into the hall. I peered behind the curtains to see Scott and Stiles standing there just as I'd predicted. Stiles was glancing around with his hands in his pockets while Scott nervously tugged on his chin.

I swung the door open, causing them both to focus onto me. "Glad you could make it," I said solemnly. "Come on in,"

I moved away from the doorway to give them room to enter. They both marveled at the interior of my home. My mother made a very profitable living as a professor.

"Um, do you guys want something to eat or drink?" I asked them.

"Yes," said Stiles.

"No," said Scott at the same time. They both glanced at each other. Scott shot Stiles a glare and they shook their heads when they turned back to face me.

I furrowed my brow. Scott really doesn't trust me. "Well okay then, follow me."

I lead them out down the hall, stopping at the door to my mother's office. I let out a deep breath. No one outside our family has ever been in here, they aren't allowed to. My mother's years and years of study and research were to be kept secret. People couldn't find out how much we know.

But Scott and Stiles were the exception.

I pushed open the oak door and giggled to myself at the amazement that appeared on the boys' faces. I didn't blame them of course. With it's aging architecture this office looked like something out of a vintage magazine.

"This is where my mom kept all of her books and records." I said. I let them step further into the room before closing the door. "So, what do you want to know?"

Scott narrowed his eyes at me. God, this boy was really pushing his likability factor. "I want to know how you figured it out. I mean, you had to have had some suspicion before you saw me."

I let out a sigh and circled the large mahogany desk that was cluttered with books and papers. "Well, in case you haven't realized yet I just so happen to know a great deal about...your kind. It wasn't difficult to figure it out, the covering of your ears when the bell rang, looking out the window because you can hear conversations you shouldn't, and your agility on the lacrosse field. The way you stopped all of those shots, it was inhuman."

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