I WAS-Welcome Home?

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Okay so this chapter--like many..is dedicated to one of the most mazing writers i have come to known!...Please go and read her story in case you haven´t already. It´s called Chipped Teeth and Skateboard Pads. It´s extremely funny and she's an amazing person. And hey, maybe if you're lucky she'll answer to your comment ;)...JK she tries to answer EVERYONE that comments-she's that cool .But anyway..im gonna stop going on about this and let you guys read the new chapter :) Tataaaaahhhh forrrr nowwwww :P


Sam´s POV

I woke up that morning feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. I had the man I just realized I loved by my side and I couldn´t ask for anything else in the world at the time. My head was on his chest and i could feel his heart beating faintly beneath me. I wanted him to be mine forever- and it amazed me that it took me a long time to realize it. Suddenly, when i looked up, I saw his eyes flutter open and when he looked down at me, a look i never saw before flashed upon his face. It looked like it was something along the lines of regret. 

"We shouldn't have done this.....I have to go Sam..."

Robbie´s POV

When I woke up and saw Sam, i realized that this wasn't right. She was only doing this because the guy she used to love-and might still love- just disappeared on her. 

"We shouldn't have done this.....I have to go Sam..."

The look on her face killed me but i couldn't do this to her. I needed to think and when i told Sam i loved her last night, something in my heart told me it was the wrong time. I got up and collected my clothes and quickly put them on muttering a goodbye. 

On the way home i mentally cursed myself out. Sam had tried to follow me but I told her to stay where she was. i let her know that what had happened the previous night was a mistake. I saw a single tear run down her cheek- and it was then that i knew that i had to go. Sam didn´t deserve what i was doing to her. 

I picked up my phone and called Melody. She could probably take my mind off of everything that was happening. 

"Hello?"..I heard a faint giggle on the other end of the line..

"Hey...do you think i can come over now?"

Another giggle-I hated it when girls giggled...but if putting up with it was what it took to get Sam out of my mind, i would have to do it. 

"Sure sexy...I´ll be waiting." 

I hung up and i could almost picture her throwing her head back and laughing.

Melody was a walking gas station. Anyone could stop by and just 'get gas' if you know what I mean.

When i got to her place..i didn't even have to knock because the door was already open. As soon as i walked inside, i felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist. 

I had only come here for one thing and that´s what i was gonna do...i didn't want to waste any time. I grabbed her and carried her to her bed. No one was home, so i knew i was free to do whatever i wanted. 

Pretty soon, everything was off of our bodies. Don't get me wrong, Melody was a beautiful girl, and I was just one of the guys she doesn't have a problem getting laid with- but she just wasn't Sam. I forced myself to get inside Melody.

I watched her every emotion, but there was nothing there. I didn't feel connected to her in any way, and that realization was all it took to kill the moment. I slowly came out from her and told her that i had to go. 

The look on her face told me that she wasn't happy i had started something and hadn't finished it, but i wasn't worried about that at the time. 

When I had my clothes on i immediately jogged out of her house and ran straight to my place. No one was home, but then again what else was new. 

I went up to my room and showered for what seemed like hours, and for the first time in years, i cried.

I cried because i had, just like everyone in her life, left Sam. I cried because my parents didn't care. But most of all, i cried because i didn't even recognize the person staring back at me when i look at myself in the mirror.

When i got out of my shower, i regretted ever letting myself leave...I laid in my bed, and for the rest of the night, thoughts of the girl i loved flooded my mind, but even that, just like everything else, i had fucked up. 

Sam´s POV

As soon as Robbie had left, i followed him to the door. I waited until he was gone to get in my car and follow him to wherever it was he was going- because we needed to talk. When he finally stopped the car, he went inside Melody's house. 

It was at that instant that I knew what he was doing over there. I jerked the car to a stop and waited there for a while. I was giving him the benefit of doubt. After an hour, i saw Robbie come out fixing his belt, and thats when i knew that i was nothing special. 

I went home and cried until i heard the doorbell. 

I immediately went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. I looked terrible but at least i didnt look like i had been crying that much. 

When i ran downstairs and opened the door, i saw my mom standing there. I jumped with joy and hugged her with everything i had. She had been away for so long that i actually missed her. 


"Hi sweety, how are you?!?! My God look how much youve grown. You look beautiful sweetheart! Come on to the kitchen. We need to catch up."

For the next couple of hours, we talked about school and work and when we looked at the clock, it was 1 AM.

I told her to go get some rest and that I would do the same. That night when i went to bed, i couldn´t sleep. Not only had Robbie left me there, but as soon as he left, he went to go fuck some other whore. I would never look at him the same again.

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Hello everyone!!!...So here's my very lame author's note. Not many of you vote..or comment...or fan...Its getting to the point where i dont even know if i should continue with the book...Its kinda discouraging to be honest with you...So please...i beg of you...just click the vote button..or just comment...but if ur extremely amazing...fan. I love each and every single one of you for reading my story-but giving a little motivation never kills anyone. Anyway- Laugh like there's no tomorrow because it can fix any broken heart (i should know). LOL-lots of love :)....PS: Not edited.. so forgive any mistakes you find.. :)

-Martha xoxoxo :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2011 ⏰

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