Loki scowled. "You."

"But... why?" I asked dumbfounded. "I have nothing you want."

"But there is the part you are wrong." He butted in, cocking his head to the side. "I've come for you. But my reason is for my knowledge and you to follow."

"And what makes you think I'll do that?" I replied sassily, my arms feeling heavier on my chest.

"I have powers, you don't." He offered, shrugging.

"Well, apparently to Thor, I have very special powers." I commented, my finger pointing up as in a matter-of-fact motion.

"Well, Thor has lied many times before. At least, not to you."

"Because you're his brother. Brother's fight and banter together. Most of the time they lie, though. You can't tell me that you and Thor didn't lie to each other as kids."

"What makes you think I'll pour out my childhood to you?"

"I'm here to help you with your problems." I smiled, sitting down on the floor. He sent me a confused stare as I shrugged and chuckled nervously.

"I get really nervous in these type of situations."

"I can probably tell." He stated, locking his hands behind his back once more.

Why does he keep doing that?

"Tell me about your childhood." I demanded, crossing my legs as if I were pretending to be a doctor.

He rolled his eyes at my statement walking around the lab. I'm guessing Loki had locked the doors once we came in, so I can say goodbye to my precious hero running through that door any moment now.

"I've come back for one reason and one reason only." He said last before looking at me, sitting down in the chair.

Where did that chair come from? I would've sat in it.

"And what would that purpose be?" I asked interested.

I had a voice recorder rolling so everyone could hear what Loki's plan was, and so far it was working out nicely. I honestly don't know why I have a voice recorder in my pocket, but I did. I don't remember putting it in my pocket.

His back was turned to me as he walked around quietly, observing everything. But once he said his last sentence, he turned to face me. His emerald eyes burned into my light brown ones as I asked him.

"You." He said before rolling out his hand, pointing all his fingers at me.

"That doesn't work on m-e-" I couldn't finish my sentence before I felt drowsy. My eyes felt droopy as my head was pounding like I hadn't slept in days, but I felt little energy left in me. Most normal people would be asleep in an instant, knowinghow drowsy and dizzy it makes you feel, but it looked, miraculously, as if it went right back to Loki. His hand fell down and his eyes became droopy. He closed his eyes and started to faint, but I quickly ran over and caught him before he hit the ground hard enough.

I pulled him into the container, before running out to make sure it wouldn't close on me while I was still in there. His body laid there, still as a rock as I hoped he wasn't dead and only asleep. My hands reached for the "CLOSE" button as the door slammed open with a lot of force.

I slammed my hand down on the close button before twisting around to see Steve standing there, panting.

He was wearing his Captain America suit, along with his shield. It seemed as if he had just been fighting, since he was panting, but there was no sign of injury on him.

Loki (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now