Me: Go get a shower and get ready for the meeting Tessie.

Tessie: You won't leave me by myself, right Teg?

Me: Of course not, I'll be in the kitchen once you're ready.

She walks out to go take her shower. It's nice to know that Tessie can be a wolf and a dragon. I never thought that was even possible. I should ask someone a little more experienced in that kind of field since I know nothing about it. I leave Tessie's room and decide to go look for formal clothes in my room. Today is the day that I get announced to the whole pack that I'm their new trainer.

We all leave the house about a half hour after Tessie's little episode. Which still confuses me but I'm better off not thinking about it. Dylan is back to picking on Tess like nothing ever happened, which is a good thing. She doesn't need to be thinking about it constantly either.

We arrive at the pack house and have a little trouble at the door. Dylan went on ahead of us once we got there to tell Garret that we were here, so, these guys at the main gate thought they could harass us. It didn't last long before Garret, Dylan, Nadia, and a guy whose name I have yet to learn showed up.

Garret: Guys, let them through.

Guard 1: Why should we?

Garret: Are you questioning your alpha?

They both stood down and bowed their heads.

Me: What's your names?

They looked over at Garret looking for permission to answer me. He just gave them a simple nod in response.

Guard 2: I'm Travis, and this is Jose.

Me: Nice to meet you guys. Are you still in training?

Jose: So what if we are?!

Me: Nothing, I'll see you later.

I stood in front of Garret and he smiled in approval.

Garret: That was smooth.

Me: I can't ruin the fun of seeing their reactions when their alpha tells them that I'll be their new trainer.

Garret: Yeah, I'll make sure to watch their faces haha oh, and by the way, this is Nigel. Nigel here is my second in command.

Nigel: He's the new trainer?

Garret: Yup, so he'll be teaching us all that he knows. Won't that be great?

Nigel: Magnificent.

Garret started walking towards the pack house.

Garret: Meeting time, everyone inside!

I walk past Nadia and she winks at me. I wink back. I mean, how could I not? She's as cute as can be.

Garret: Let's go Tegan!

I feel something light jump on my back and see that Tessie is now there. I put my arms around her legs to keep her supported and run to the meeting room. Not once did Tessie try to get off my back. As I was walking in the door to the meeting room, Alpha Andy walks out and motions for me to follow him down the hall.

Alpha Andy: Hey Tegan, I have a quick question for you.

Me: Shoot.

Alpha Andy: Do you by chance happen to have a spare bedroom in your house?

Me: Yeah, why?

Alpha Andy: Would you mind if Jackson stayed with you? I'd keep him at the pack house but the rooms are all taken and the only rooms that don't already have two people in them wouldn't like someone like him in the rooms with them. So would you mind having him stay with you?

The Return to Black Woods (Dragons vs. Wolves: Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now