chapter 10

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On Monday morning, we all woke up very early! I had to help Conor pack the car while the girls got themselves ready. They also got the kids ready. Me and Conor finished loading the car and got ourselves ready too.

Molly and Lauren strapped the kids into the car so we could get going. Me and Conor walked the keys back up to reception. I'm going to miss this place. We had such a fun time and now we've got to leave it all. I suppose we'll just have to get over it.

Me and Conor got back and jumped in our car. We started the drive home. It took the normal time of 2 and a half hours which was good. It was a nice drive and very quiet. Jaspar and Ali fell asleep but according to Conor, so did Caleb. Molly also fell asleep apparently. Lauren dropped off multiple times but never actually fell asleep.



We arrived home and it felt so good to be back. We missed the caravan but it was so nice to be home! All of us jumped out the car and unloaded it as fast as possible.

Considering it's such a nice day, we decided to make the most of it. All of us got changed and went into the pool. We also decided to invite everyone around. Zoe and Alfie are currently in London so they came too.

As I greeted Zoe, she seemed very excited...
"Now I know Joe shouldn't have told me, but he did because he knows what I'm like. Congrats on the baby! I'm so excited for you!"
"Thankyou so much Zozeebo."
"No problem Lollypop!"


That night, we ordered pizza planet. It was 100% Caspar's idea! All of us ordered pizza and most of it was eaten. Only a few things were left over. That's understandable considering there was a lot of pizza.

The rest of the night was spent messing about with all our friends! We sat inside and watched movies most of the time! All of us had so much fun together! It's a very good first night back!

(This was the point in time where I had really bad writers block so i was just writing a load of random crap!)

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