Chapter twelve: you stupid, little trollop

Start from the beginning

"He's not missing. He's in the Bahamas working on his tan. Very entitled, that one. Marches to his own drum. He's a Fell. They're all snooty." Jenna says and I laugh.
Damon chuckles and walks over to Jenna, pouring more wine into her glass. She raises her glass to him and Damon turns back around to continue cooking.

"What about you, Angel. You dated anyone?" Damon asks me.
"Do I look the girl who would settle for a small town boy?" I sarcastically ask him. He smirks.
"Good for you Eva." Jenna says and pats me on the back. I make a disgusted face and move away.

"Hello, Elena." Damon says. Me and Jenna turn around as elena enters the kitchen.
"Hey. Where have you been? We're cooking dinner." Jenna says to her.
"Is Stefan with you?" Damon asks.
"Um - he'll be here soon." Elena tells us and leans on the counter and watches Damon with distaste.


I was sat in the front room next to Jeremy watching him play the video game.
"I don't get it." I say to him.
"What?" He asks.
"The game. Show me." I tell him. He gives me a controller and shows me which button is which.

I play the game with Jeremy and learn how to do it fast.

Damon comes over and talks to Jeremy but I don't listen instead I focus on kicking Jeremy's ass on this game.

Jeremy gets up and leaves. Damon tugs on my arm.
"Come on we're leaving." He says and pulls me off the sofa.
"No!" I shout.


Me and Damon sit at the bar watching Jeremy and this girl called Anna. I look at Damon's face as he recognises her.

"You know her." I say to him.
"She was Katherine's friends daughter." He tells me.
"She'll know something." I say and he nods and continues to watch her.


Me and Damon follow the girl to a motel. Damon vamp speed is in and grabs her by the throat when she closes the door. But she grabs his as well they both stand her strangling each other. I roll my eyes and use my magic to pull them apart.

They glare at me.

"Damn. You're strong for a little thing." Damon says to Anna.
"I was wondering how long it would take you to find me." She says to him.

The two end up talking and I just lean against the wall bored.

"How long have you been here?" Damon asks her.
"I arrived around half-past comet, watching you screw up every chance you had to open that tomb." Anna tells him and I smirk.
"How did you know about the spell?" He asks her.

"I didn't say much back then, which means I heard everything." She says and Damon moves closer to try and intimidate her.

"So if you've been here the whole time, then why are we just crossing paths right now?" He asks and she walks away.
"I like to use others to do my dirty work." She tells him.

"Like Logan Fell? Oh, yeah, thanks for that, by the way. Little bastard shot me." I say to her.
"Logan was an idiot." She says.
"Yeah we know." I say.

"We slipped him some blood when he started getting all poser slayer with that compass. I needed his family's journal. I couldn't let him die." Anna tells us.

"What'd you want with the Fell journal?" I ask her.
"I thought it contained the location of the witch's spell book. I was wrong. According to her journal, Honoria gave the grimoire to Johnathan Gilbert. And, according to this..." She gets the
Gilbert journal. "He gave it to your father. So now you're going to help me find it." She says and I snort.
"Why would I help you?" Damon asks.

"Cause you and I both want that tomb open." She says and hands him the journal. He reads the page, hums and shut its.

"Sorry. I work alone. Angel here is the only exception to that." Damon says and we leave and head to the cemetery.


When we get there stefan and Elena have already dug up guiseppes grave and have the grimoires.

"Well, what do you know?" Damon says and they both turn around startled.
"You backstabbing hoes." I say disappointed. I knew this was going to happen but Damon actually trusted them for s second.

"I can't let you bring her back. I'm sorry." Stefan said.
"So am I. For thinking for even a second that I could trust you." Damon says.
"Oh. You're not capable of trust. The fact that you're here means that you read the journal and you were planning on doing this yourself." Stefan says.

"Of course He was going to do it by himself, because the only person He can count on is himself." I shout at him.
"You made sure of that many years ago, Stefan. But you..." Damon says and looks at Elena. "You had me fooled." He says looking hurt.

I glare daggers at an ashamed Elena. I hate her for hurting Damon.
"So what are you going to do now? Because if you try and destroy that, I'll rip her heart out." Damon threatens.
"You won't kill her." Stefan says and Damon nods.

I use my magic to force Elena over to me.
"But I will  Give me the book, Stefan, or I'm snapping her neck and you will have no one." I say to him.
"Let her go first." Stefan says.
"The book!" I order.
"I'm not going to give this to use until she is standing next to me." Stefan says.

"Problem is, I no longer trust that you'll give it back!" Damon shouts.
"She just did the one thing that ensures that I will." Stefan says.

"Do you really wanna test me. I don't care about this pathetic girl!" I shout.

Stefan nods.
"Okay." He says and places the book on the ground near us.

I fling elena at stefan. They hug and she looks at me terrified. I smirk at her. They both walk away leaving me and Damon. Damon picks up the grimoire.

"You're the only person I can trust and count on Angel." He says to me. "Thank you for all this." He says and smiles warmly at me.

"Let's go home." I say and we walk to the car.


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