~50~ Buzzard Eats Some Crow.

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"I knew what you were all about, since the first day I met you." I smile slices into his soul. "That big ass honor tat blasted down your arm, that you sport so proudly around the pool? That shit told me everything I ever needed to know about you. That you have to advertise that shit? Because without that ink blasted on your arm? No one would ever think of honor and you in the same room, let alone the same sentence."

"Honor, courage, commitment?" I snort in the local custom for effect. "Maybe to your paycheck whore."

"Yeah, you proved that this summer twice ...and look how well that worked out huh? After all, you made it pretty clear that you will sacrifice anything you say you believe in for the almighty paycheck. You proved it today with Chad, and you're proving it again ...right flocking now. Because that's why you are really here, right? To make sure I don't go running to Mrs. Saint C. over this shit, so that your paycheck stays secure."

"Now you see what I was talking about, Aces? He's impossible to reason with." Buzzy turns to my grandfather looking for the out.

The whole "let's keep this between the grown-ups" thing, so that he can evade my attacks and accusations. I can see him starting to rattle a bit now. His hands have a slight tremor running thru them like electricity. The only question now is whether this reaction is fear or anger? 

"Yeah, check it out, Aces ...look at him shake like a little girl. All your gonna get from now on is his bullshit lies, denies, and justifies. No responsibility taken and no flocks given." I ease back slightly. "So Aces, remind me again why you want to waste our time talking to a little money-grubbing coward? Instead of just letting me beat the shit out of it?"

"Cause this little piece of shit right here, isn't here to fight or apologize." I seethe into him hard and startle him stupid. "Naw bro, he's here just to justify himself to you. So he can go back home to tell his mother in law he said his sorries and shit. He doesn't understand why I can't just accept his big boy apology in the flock you spirit it was meant in."

"So why don't you do us all a favor and just stop running your mouth Buzzy. Or looking over at Aces like he's gonna save your punk ass from the beating you so righteously deserve. Prove me wrong and step out to the backyard and we can settle this shit like honorable men?" I wave him out of the garage.  "Com'on bitch ...your beats await you." 

"That's not going to happen." Buzzy's eyes are glued on Aces, practically begging him to put an end to me and my stupidity. "I'm not going to fight him, Aces...he's just a kid?"

"Yep, there's your honorable man right there, Aces." I smile savagely driving the point home with a vengeance. "Look at him cower behind your bullshit like the coward he is. He's a coward that can't stand up and take his beats like a man. Once a coward, always a coward. Enjoy your next thousand deaths you little piece of shit."

"That's enough of that talk, Darren." Aces sighs and shakes his head. To be honest, I'm not even sure at this point who he is shaking his shame at.

"Yeah, I think the initial negotiations are now over. Your turn Aces, why don't  you go with that compromise thing you like so much? Just look at him, he wants that so bad he can taste it." I snort disdainfully hard to make the point. "So make your deals, take whatever trades you have to trade. Just make damn sure you get this rat flock gone out my life for good." I dead eye Aces hard in passing. "Or else."

"Oh, and one last thing, Buzzard? No matter what you and Aces come up with to make this nice for Irish? You, Brad, that piece of shit Chad ...or anyone of you plunging flocks even look in my direction. Or devil help you, come at me or mine sideways again, even a little? I will burn your world up so badly, you'll wish you'd never heard my name."

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