Chapter 6~ Bonding

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Anna's POV
As Robbie lead me into the pack house, I was instantly familiarised with every detail. I remember sitting in the corner over by the living room door. I had been counting while Nicola and Eibhilin ran to go hide somewhere. I remember sitting on the stairs, waiting for Nicola and Eibhilin to arrive back from the bakery with my cookie. I hadn't been allowed to go because I had let my homework pile up. I can remember my room, it was white with a couple of Windows and two walk in wardrobes. It wasn't that big but my roommate and I fit perfectly. I remember my roommates name was Lydia, she was a bit older than me but acted like she was 17 when in fact she was 13. I never really enjoyed her company because she would always talk about boys. I didn't mind too much but I also wanted to talk about training, school and sport, not just boys.

Robbie led me into a room. It appeared to be an office but it looked like it was never used. It was a very fancy desk and a shiny leather desk chair but it didn't look like it had been touched.

"Wait here and don't touch anything," Robbie ordered. I briefly nodded wondering where he was going. As soon as Robbie left I started to have a proper look around. I looked at the ceiling and out the window. I squinted at the bookshelf trying to read the titles. I was looking at the ornate door when Robbie came back. He sighed with relief when he saw that I hadn't moved from my chair.

"Everything will be okay, I just want you to meet some one." Robbie explained.

"Who?" I asked.

"I think you two will get on very well, he'll be here in about 5 minutes." Robbie answered. I nodded, hopefully the 5 minutes will go by fast.

It didn't. The 5 minutes seemed to go on for hours. I was occupying my time by staring at the natural patten in the floorboards when I heard footsteps outside and then the door opened. My wolf lurched inside me. I looked up to see what the problem was. Standing in front of me was the most handsome man I have ever seen. He had short but wild black hair and baby blue eyes. He stood tall, a lot taller than me, which wasn't hard to achieve since I was only 5'4. I stood up and an over whelming urge took over me. I needed to be in his embrace and be as close as I possibly could be to him. I wanted him to lift me up and hold me tight.

I noticed a man come up behind him. He appeared to be his father but I could be wrong. This man took him by the shoulders and started to pull him backwards. My wolf howled inside me, not wanting him to leave my sight. The door closed and I felt a part of me drop.

I sat back down. What just happened I asked myself. What was that and did it have so much control over me.

"He is your mate isn't he?" Robbie said from behind me.

"Yes, he is." I answered.

"Do you know who he is?" Robbie inquired from behind me.

"No clue." I answered.

"He is the alphas son, our next alpha of Glenfield. His name is Matt, he's about 18 and a half."

"How do you know so much about him?" I asked, slightly spooked by the fast knowledge Robbie had of Matt.

"Everyone knows that about him. We like to keep track of our next alpha." Robbie explained.

"Wait a minute, doesn't that make me the next Luna?" Fear and excitement rushed through my body when I had figured it out.

"Yeah, technically it does." Robbie answered. "Anna I need you to follow me. I'm going to bring you up to your room where you'll be staying for a while." Said Robbie. He took a gentle hold of my wrist and led me out to the hall with the massive staircase. We climbed two story's, went down a narrow hallway and stopped outside door 805. Robbie gave me a key which I'm guessing is for the door. He then gave me a ticket and a scrap of paper.

"The key is for the door, there are spares but try to keep it safe. The ticket is to give to a woman that will knock on the door in about half an hour. Give her the ticket and you'll get a duffel bag in return. The bag is full of necessities like a toothbrush, hairbrush and shampoo. The paper has my number on it. Ring me if there's an emergency or if you have any questions." Robbie gave me a quick smile and left.

I opened the door and I was instantly hit with the smell of lavender and perfume. I must have a roommate. I closed the door and looked around, it wasn't too bad. I heard the door to my right open. I look up and see a girl about my age standing there.

"Hi I'm Katie, nice to meet you."

"Hi I'm Anna, nice to meet you to."

"Make yourself at home, just ask me if you need anything."

"Ok thank you," Katie seems nice. At least she's not Lydia.

"Katie, which bed is mine?" I asked.

"The one on the right is yours." Katie directed. I sit down on the bed on the right and look around.

"Katie, do you have any rules for our room, any requirements?"

"I guess there is one. You'll see a whiteboard on the back of the door. Whenever your going out all I ask is that you write down where your going, what time you left at and what time you think you'll be back. That's the only rule though."

"That's fair enough, I have one though. Just tell me if someone is coming over."

"That's ok, I think we'll be fast friends."

"As do I."

"Do you want to meet any of your old friends or see anything?"

"Well actually..."

1029 words
Sneaky update😉

Here's a fun fact, I'm a music fanatic so every update I'm going to put my favourite song in the authors note.

S.O.T.U (song of the update)
Sucker for pain by imagine dragons, wiz khalifa.

Remember to


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