Chapter 2~ Annas story

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Above picture is Anna played by Anna kendrick

Authors POV

As Anna Everard sat in the back corner of the small restaurant waiting for the kettle to boil for her signature dish which was a mix of spaghetti, bacon, vegetables and pesto.She started to daydream. She never means to daydream she just starts to think and it leads to daydreaming She daydreams every chance she gets. It's like dreaming without sleeping.

She was thinking what would have happened if her parents had not been cold-heartedly murdered when she was 10 and what would have happened if she wasn't a werewolf in the first place. When her parents were killed she had stayed with grandmother until she became too old to look after Anna any more. So at 13 years of age she turned rogue. She remembers that day very well. Anna remember how she skulked towards the border trying to be quiet. When she reached the border of her clan she began to cry. She realised she wasn't going to see her friends again, she realised she would never fully graduate from primary school as she was leaving 2 months before summer.

5 years later Anna has three jobs to bring in money that will look after her rent and for food. Currently she was working in the best restaurant in the town, Ristaurante Isabella, but as soon as her shift ends she is going to be working until 8 in the local supermarket, Gerrys. She thinks about how ironic it is, she has three jobs where she sees people every day yet she has no-one to call a friend. She has also taken up Cricket a sport that has a popular grounds in her town. She has to exercise some way as she can't afford to pay for the gym.

Her thoughts were interrupted by steam blowing in her face indicating that the kettle had boiled. She lifted the kettle off the holder and poured the hot water into a pot and waited for it to start bubbling so she could put the spaghetti in to cook. Anna checks the time on the battered clock that hangs above the stove and realises to her surprise that she only has an hour left in the restaurant before she begins her shift in Gerrys.

Anna was suddenly struck with a deep yawn. Only then did she realise she was tired. She hasn't had a goodnights sleep in ages. She is scared to sleep in case she'll have the same dream that she has had for the past two years. She had to see her parents murdered in front of her and if she sleeps she re-lives it over and over again. Which is hell for Anna and anyone who tries to talk to her in the morning.

She turned eighteen three months ago and her wolf was starting to pull her towards her mate. When you turn eighteen it's like your wolf gets a sniff of your mate and tries to find it as fast as possible. Sometimes there are blockages like their mate lives in a different country. As for some their mates could already be in the same clan as them. Anna doesn't want to find her mate because he probably lives in a clan and she knows damn well that if a rogue just wanders,,, into a clan they will more than likely be executed. Even though their mate is in the clan.


Hello. This is Anna's story which is 570 words. I know it's short but it's the best I can do. Next just to let you know will be Matts story. I will most likely update on Saturdays and Sunday's and I'm going to try to make all the other chapters at least a thousand words and if I can't I'll upload twice. Please vote share and comment as it would mean a lot. Please comment if you find any mistakes as autocorrect and I do not get on very well.


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