Chapter 5~ Bonding

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Matts POV
I would give anything to get out of my situation right now. I am currently 2 hours into my shift with Lydia in the bakery and I look like I belong in the oven. It wasn't even twenty minutes into my shift when I felt the first of many cold, slimy eggs trailing down my back after Lydia had cracked one on my head. She then proceeded to cover me in beaten eggs. Next up was flour, every five minutes I would feel the soft powder hitting my face and mixing in with the egg.

As I put the last muffin tray in the oven and set the timer, the phone rang.

"Lydia can you get that?" I yelled into the back, where Lydia was sitting.

"Sure," she replied. The ringtone stopped meaning she had answered the phone. I started to wipe the gooey mixture off my face and hair. I would kill for a shower right now.

"Matt it's for you," Lydia called out. I wonder who it could be?

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hey son, it's only me," my dad answered. I breathed a sigh of relief knowing it wasn't some creep.

"Is everything ok?" I asked.

"Yes everything is fine but you need to come home now. Don't worry about your shift, I'm sending Sam down to complete the rest of your hours."

"Why do I have to come home, what's wrong?" I asked, starting to get worried.

"I can't discuss this over the phone Matt, I want you to come home now." Dad snapped down the phone. I flinched, he really was serious.

"I'll be home in 10 minutes," I said after a long pause.

"See you then son." Dad answered and hung up.

I put the phone back in the cradle and walked into the back office where Lydia was.

"Lydia I need to go home, that was my dad on the phone, he says he needs me to go home. Sam is coming down to finish my shift. I'll see you at some point tomorrow." I explained to Lydia.

"Ok, yeah, I'll probably see you tomorrow," she looked hurt that I was leaving. Oh well. I turned and walked out the door, I grabbed my bike that was leaning against the shop wall and cycled home.

When I got to the pack house dad was already waiting for me at the front door.

"Get into the shower right now. Don't take any longer than 10 minutes. Also put on some decent clothes." Dad ordered as I walked up the steps.

"Can you at least tell me what's going on first?" I asked out of frustration.

"I'll tell you when your out of the shower." Dad answered briefly, it must be a long story.

I hop into the shower. It was absolutely disgusting. The feeling of egg slowly started to scramble in your hair from the hot water. Gross. As soon as I was finished I dashed into my wardrobe. I picked out a shirt and jeans, I put them on quickly. I run out of my room to see dad waiting outside.

"Will you tell me what's going on now?" I asked, desperate for some information.

"Just have patience, I will explain later. For now though just relax it'll be ok." My dad answered. Dad has a habit of doing this, he likes to make sure his prediction is true before he puts his prediction out to the world.

We get to dads main office where he spends most of his time. I open the door and sitting in one of the many seats is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. My wolf starts to go crazy wanting me to dive on top of her just to hold her close. She looks up at me, her eyes are a deep forest green, she has shoulder length brown hair. I start to walk towards her, I need to be near her. She also stands up and walks towards me. I suddenly feel hands on my shoulders, they are pulling me backwards towards the door, I don't want to leave her. I get dragged out of the door and I turn and give Dad a death glare. I was furious that I had just been pulled away from my mate.

"Why would you do that, couldn't you see she is my mate. How could you?" I spat at my father.

"You need to know the full story before you fully bond with her. I'm sorry son." Dad said, he had an apologetic look on his face. We walked down to the back office that dad has. He usually does his paper work in here and it's a lot messier than the main office.

"Are you going to explain why I can't fall hopelessly in love with my mate?" I asked as I sat on the edge of the desk. Dad sat in his desk chair and sighed for a moment.

"The girl that you are in love with is a rogue. She ran across the border this morning claiming that she had been running and her wolf took over and lead her here. Matt, this girl, her name is Anna Everard."

"You don't mean the Anna Everard as in Eoin and Rebecca Everard's kid. The girl who ran away after the attacks five years ago?"

"Yes Matt that Anna. She came back. The whole reason she left was because of her parents death, it's hard for a 13 year old to see their parents ripped apart in front of her own eyes. But son there's a catch. Anna is rogue and we can't just let her back into the pack. People are still hurting after the attacks and they are not going to welcome a rogue as their Luna. Matt I'm going to let you bond with her but no one can know that she is your mate."

"That's not fair dad. I can't just hide my adoring love for my mate. How am I meant to just hide her, people will recognise her."

"The story is that she crossed the border so she has to be executed but out of honour for her parents, we are going to give her a chance to prove herself worthy to the clan. You will bring her for runs where you will be able to spend time with her and Anna will live in the pack house. I'm going to warn you Matt, barely anyone is going to welcome her back. Half of the rogues that attacked 5 years ago were from Glenfield."

"I understand but she can't just stay for a couple of weeks. I won't be allowed to become alpha, how are you going to convince the rest of the pack to let Anna stay?

"I don't know Matt but I have to try." With that dad walked out of the room, leaving me sitting on the desk. How is the whole scenario going to work out? I need to be able to see her or be with her whenever I want, not just for runs. Why does this have to be so complicated?

1210 words

I know it's a bit late and I apologise.
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