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Miles Carter

after work...

I had to leave early if I wanted to be on time with picking up Melanie, which I should be leaving out in the next 5 minutes. I stood in the tall, brown mirror to see if everything that I wore was okay which I must say, I looked nice as fuck.

I was dressed in a blue button down, a dark blue tie, white blazer, dark blue jeans, and some dark brown oxfords. I had to look very professional for a place as upscale as Nan Thai. I grabbed my phone calling Melanie to see if she was ready yet.

"Hello." She said in an eager tone.

"Hey you ready?" I asked.

"Umm almost I'm straightening my hair." I then heard the phone drop and her cursing. There was some shuffling and she put the phone back to her ear. "Yeah sorry dropped my phone by accident."

"It's fine I didn't mean to cause any problems, but I should be leaving out in 5, be ready." I said sternly.

"Okay damn." She said and hung up. I wasn't trying to be rude, but I guess that's how she perceived it.

"What you think I look like diamond?" I asked my toy poodle as she sat there and tilted her head from side to side whimpering. I chuckled and left out as she followed me into the bedroom.

I looked in the mirror one last time and grabbed my phone and keys and left out the house. I locked up and went around back real quick to check on Bullet, my pit bull. Once I was done feeding him I walked to the car and got in, heading to Mel's place.

The drive from the Northside to the city wasn't long at all since the traffic wasn't bad. I pulled into a parking spot and buzzed in for her to let me in. She picked up on the third ring.

"Hello?" Her voice sounded through the call box.

"It's me." I yelled back.

"Oh shit hold up." She clicked some buttons and the gate clicked, allowing me entrance. I walked to the elevator and followed the directions she sent me to her loft and I must say, her building was nice. I went up to the fifth floor and followed the long, Creme colored rug that went all the way down the hall and ended at her door.

My hands grew sweaty as I slowly reached to knock on her dark brown door. I grabbed the stone door knocker and hit it 3 times, giving her time to answer.

"Coming!" She yelled. I could hear her heels clicking against the floor and she unlocked several locks before opening the door. There she stood right in front of me. She looked so beautiful in her navy,  skintight dress.

Her hair flowed past her shoulders with a few strands in her face. She looked so beautiful from head to toe, I mean so damn fine. Her brown skin glowed and I looked at her for a good minute or so taking in all her beauty before she spoke.

"Umm are you ready?" She asked with a  perfectly arched eyebrow raised.

"Y-Yeah, I'm ready." I said smiling. She looked at me crazy and grabbed her phone and keys. She locked the door and turned slipping my hand into hers. I looked down at her and smiled. It might be a little hard to tell her.

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