Ch. 1- Let Class Begin!

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Narrator P.O.V.

"SILENCE!!!!!" thundered Makarov, the first period Magical History teacher at Magnolia High. "Shut up and listen, brats!!!!!"

It was a Monday morning, and as one might typically find with this group of miscreants, everything was chaos. Nash and Storm were screaming in each other's faces and Rin had frozen Sylvia's desk to the ceiling. Gale was solid scripting rainstorm (just cuz he was bored) and a quarter of the room was being struck repeatedly by lightning. Reiki was tickling Rosemary who was shrieking and grabbing at Nova for help who was trying to catch Gale's eye. And Luna was... setting the Master's file cabinet on fire (duh).

[*Note about the characters: Nash and Storm are rivals (like their fathers); yes, Nash is kind and sometimes "afraid" of his sister, and Storm is the mature one, but when they're together, they can't resist going at it and beating each other up. Reiki and Rosemary are extremely close (he's very overprotective) and Rin is definitely a joker/troublemaker (never mind, who am I kidding?! They're all troublemakers.) I probably should have mentioned this earlier (you can skip if you'd like) but these are the ships:

Rosemary x Rin, Storm x Luna, Nova x Gale, and Nash x Reiki :)

Back to the story!]

The new generation had just come back from an exciting job request over the weekend and they weren't quite done blowing stuff up. Makarov glared angrily at each one in turn, making sure they knew how pissed he was, exclaiming, "YOU BRATS JUST CAN'T STOP BICKERING AND GIVING ME STRESS ULCERS FOR JUST ONE DAY, CAN YOU?!?!?! I had a fun activity planned for today, but since you insist on behaving like this, I don't think we're going to do it!"

"But sir!!" Rosemary Fernandes pleaded. "Please let us play it, we promise to be good!" She pouted and Makarov softened, because Rosemary was an angel and nobody (nobody) could ever resist those huge, brown eyes (yes, on the other hand, she is extremely powerful and is very capable of murder). "Yes, all right, I'll give this class another chance. Rin, put your sister's desk back. Nash, Storm, go to separate corners of the room before I bite both your heads off. Gale, you're banned from using magic in this class for the REST. OF. THE. WEEK."

The new generation sighed and forced themselves to pause their crazy rampage. Reiki smirked, knowing Rosemary had done it again, just like she charmed everyone else who needed persuasion. Nash raised his hand (obviously not waiting to be called on), asking, "Master? What exactly are we doing??"

Makarov said, "I was just getting to that, boy, don't rush me! We are playing a specialized Magical History version of jeopardy, and the theme for the 5 categories is... Fairy Tail Adventures! Or as I like to call it, How Your Parents Blew Up 70% Of The Towns On The Continent While Saving The World."

"The 5 categories are as follows: 1. Phantom Lord, 2. Edolas, 3. Tenrou Island, 4. Grand Magic Games, and the last one is the beloved Miscellaneous!"

The new generation wizards cheered. "Yes! I'm totally going to win this since I know literally everything about this stuff!!!" Storm gloated. "You sure about that babe??? After all, my mother is a writer and she wrote down everything Team Natsu did on all those crazy adventures," Luna said with a wicked grin. "We have THE SAME MOTHER Luna!!!!!!!! I know all the stuff that you do!" shouted Nash. "Hehe, sure you do... Or at least you did before you FORGOT IT ALL!" Luna retorted. (Nash is kinda forgetful).

"PIPE DOWN" Makarov yelled (yes, I'm positive he gets sore throats regularly). "I haven't even finished explaining!!! So, each of the 5 categories have 5 questions each, all of which range in difficulty- the easiest question in each category is worth 100 points, and the hardest is worth 500. Got it?!"

The teens nodded, waiting in complete boredom for him to start the game.

"ANDDDDD... That's not all! You will have teams!" Makarov declared.

Everyone perked up at once, shooting furtive glances across the room.

"And I will pick the teams!" Makarov grinned gleefully.

Everyone facepalmed and put their heads down.

Makarov said, "Okay, the three teams with three people each are... Rosemary, Nash, and Storm, Team 1, Nova, Gale, and Sylvia, Team 2, and Reiki, Rin, and Luna, Team 3."

Nova smiled at Gale and said, "I'm glad we're on the same team, Gale." Gale did a happy dance inside, thinking, 'SHE WANTS TO BE ON MY TEAM MAYBE SHE LIKES ME JUST A LITTLE BIT?!?!?!? OH I SHOULD PROBABLY SAY SOMETHING...'

"Oh yes right, of course, ME TOO, Nova!" Gale exclaimed awkwardly. He had the biggest crush on Nova since forever, but they didn't talk that much. He grimaced at how lame he sounded.

 Over at Team 1, Nash and Storm were already in each others' faces... again... and were arguing over who had gone on the more dangerous quest. "I SHOT DOWN AN ARMY OF 800 MEN ANDDDD DEFEATED THE DEMON WHO WAS CONTROLLING THEM ALL" Nash boasted. "OH YEAH?! WELL I SECRETLY WENT ON AN S-CLASS QUEST (none of them are S-class except for Rosemary, although Luna, Storm, and Reiki are pretty close and have a good chance of being chosen for the trials) AND NOT ONLY DID I SAVE THE WHOLE CITY SINGLEHANDEDLY BUT I ALSO DID SO GOOD THAT I GOT A BONUS REWARD!!" Storm yelled at him. Sylvia, who was sitting a couple desks away, muttered, "Oh dear, they're forgetting that Rosemary has been on a bunch of S-class quests already and has never failed a single one."

"Before we finally begin, we have one last thing to do- Each team must choose a name!" Makarov announced. "You have one minute!"

Instead of suggesting a name, Reiki took the opportunity and  immediately turned to Rin, grabbing him by his shirt. "Woah dude, what's up??" Rin asked, bewildered. "Rin, I know that you like my sister but you better not go anywhere near Rosemary, I forbid you from talking to her or interacting with her in any way!!! She's a freaking little girl (Rosemary is 14) and you are DEFINETELY NOT DATING HER." Reiki thundered. (Reiki is normally a really cool-headed person, but he gets hella overprotective when it comes to Rosemary.) Rin backed away slowly... "Dude, we're not even together!!! We're not dating at all!" "OH THATS WHAT YOU SAY IS IT WELL IT BETTER STAY THAT WAY" Reiki said, with his death glare (channeled by who other then his mother, Erza?!).

While her teammates were arguing, or rather, Rin was being unnecessarily told off by Reiki, Luna told Makarov that their name was TEAM FIRE NATION (she's a fire dragon slayer like Natsu). Over by their teammate, Rosemary, Nash and Storm were settling their differences roshambo style- "ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS! ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS! ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS... YES!" Storm shouted, wooting. His hand was showing paper and Nash was rock. "That does it! We're officially Team Storm Is A Boss And Nash Freaking Sucks." Makarov jotted it down. "And we're Team Galova (anyone have a better ship name?) because I ship Gale and Nova!" Sylvia exclaimed gleefully. There was silence, and then... "WHATTT?!?!" Nova and Gale shouted simultaneously. Makarov said, "Okay kids, that's it! Let's play Jeopardy!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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