Some More!

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Hi, yes it is me again. I thought we were best friends, ok that was just weird! Well here is some more stuff.

1. I know a person called Jake, well lets just say he gets annoying! Always disappearing to help people, he wears his fancy clothes (you know, the brown pants and red shirt), and is awake at 3:00 a.m. I mean seriously!

2. I reading this book right now and the weird part about it is that the two people who like each other don't like each other, but do like each other! I mean really, just make up your mind!

3. My friend, Katniss Stone, might agree with me about these couple of sentences. I think that IT IS DUM THAT TRISS IS GOING TO DIE!!! I MEAN CALEB SOULD DIE INSTED!!!!! COME ON VERONICA ROTH!!!!! Oh, sorry for that out burst, it just think that VERONICA ROTH SHOULD GO TO JAIL FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though she is a good author.

4. This is going to be the best one! Remember the person called Jake, well he just joined wattpad, Jakebebin123, and I had this weird thought that we should give him a welcome with a song...

Random Things That Run Through My HeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora