Chapter 1: Emma

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I just got done eating dinner with mommy and daddy. I had gone upstairs playing with my dolls when Emma appeared. Emma is my best friend and we always talk to each other. She is my age and is also really nice. I met her when I was eight and she has come to visit me everyday since then. But she sometimes scares me, because she starts crying and won't stop till the next day.

One day we were in my room playing dolls, like we always do when she asked, "Will you promise not to tell if I tell you a secret?" Rose said in a small voice as, as her lip quivered.

I nodded, "You know I will never tell anybody." And it's true I never would, I am really good at keeping secrets, no one would believe me anyways.

"Promise me that if I left you would never forget me?" Rose asked, while holding out her pinkie.

"I could never forget you, you are my bestest friend," I told her taking her pinkie to seal the promise.

We went back to playing dolls, before it was time for me to go to sleep. I watched as Emma got up to leave, but I stopped her before she did.

"Hey Emma, why do you always cry? It makes me sad and scared to see you cry," I said lifting my head up a little to see over my blanket.

"I'm sorry Ro, I just miss my family, that's all. Now go to sleep it's late," she said before disappearing. I nodded even though she couldn't see me.

I dropped my head onto the pillow, I felt sorry for her. But as soon as that thought finished, I fell into the sweet darkness of sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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