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The whistle blew indicating it was the end of the netball match.
"Well done ladies, great teamwork!" The teacher said, whilst everybody walked out the door. "See you all next week," she muttered before exiting the hall herself.
"You were great Georgie!" A familiar voice called out. I turn my head to see Izzy Hammond walking towards me.
"Likewise with yourself," I replied back. "Quite the netballers us." I smirk, making Izzy smile back at me.
She flicks her hair dramatically, "That my friend, is nothing but the truth." We both immediately break down in laughter. I grab my bag and wait outside for Tegan's parents, as we live close together we'd share lifts every now and then.
"There's my ride! See you tomorrow Georgie, thanks for today," she smiled and ran off to meet her mum, who was driving a car that Richard Hammond had presumably sat in. I internally scream! I wave her off, as the car speeds up.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Tegan pacing out of the games hall door. I wave madly at her, hoping to gain a similar action back but I didn't. She just stared at me bluntly, as if I was a piece of dirt on her shoe.
I sprint over to meet her, "hey hey...hey Teg!" I mutter tapping the side of her shoulder. She almost directly puts in her headphones as I do this. I sigh, I wonder what has gotten her into this defensive mood?
I observed Tegan's father's red Volkswagen plow up the hill, he beeps his horn as due to the music filling Tegan's eardrums, she was unaware of her father's presence.
"Hi girls how are you?" Steven, Tegan's dad questions just as we are getting seating in the vehicle.
"Fine dad..just fine.."
And that was the only speech I got out of Tegan for the rest of the evening...

A spam of emojis, as why not?😂😂

A Richard Hammond FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now