A mystery guest???

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I flung open the door to science, taking in the scientific vibe, remembering there was a special guest visiting the class today. I searched my mind; who could it be? I sat down at my regular seat, which was placed just behind a rather graffitied table. Multiple names were written on there, I spotted a G and an R, with a heart in the middle, engraved into the table.

My eyes automatically lit up! I was literally screaming inside, I tried hard not to let any actual screams out. I took a few deep breathes to calm myself down..
Tegan tapped me on my shoulder.
"Georgie, are you alright?'" She questioned.
Uh. She obviously noticed. I quickly pointed at the 'G and R'. She realised quite fast and soon enough, a smirk had grown on her face. She stared at me for a while, with the same facial expression, sometimes even raising her eyebrows. This made me feel quite embarrassed, my face began to turn red as I could feel her eyes on me.
Just as I was about to say 'stop', our teacher strolled into the classroom followed by a person I had seen before. No it couldn't be. Or could it?

A Richard Hammond FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now