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A beautiful 5 year old girl ran into the forest with someone chasing after her.

Suddenly, a manly figure appeared out of nowhere wrapping his arms around the little girl lifting her up.

"Got you" he said with a warm smile.

A young woman walked to them and the man put the girl down.

The little girl crossed her arms "Not fair!You are two and I am one!"she said with a chibi voice.

The man lifted her up again and kissed her cheek" Relax,Y/n.It is just a game."

The woman spoke"And we won."

After that they went back to there house inside the woods.
It was a stoned house.The inside was made from wood and outside there was a small garden near the river across the house.

"Enough playing for today."
The man said.
"I am going to work." He putted the girl down."As for you, my little princess,be a good girl and help your mother.Am I  clear?" She nodded.
"Nice." He spoke Once again patting the girls head "I better get going." He kissed his beautiful wife before leaving.
"See you when I come back y/n." he said from the other side of the river.
This was Y/n's Happy life before the incident that changed her life forever.

She was sitting on a wooden chair next to the bed her mother's lifeless body leaned on.She was sobbing not able hold back the tears.
After a while y/n's father walked in the room.He was crying as well.Y/n stood up and ran to her father hugging him.
They cried on each other shoulder for a few minutes before he broke the hug.
He walked to the body caressing the woman's cold,pale cheek,kissing her lips for the last time before getting out of the room along with his daughter.

Two years past since then. Y/n could still hear her mother's beautiful Laughter.she could see her in her dreams every night and she could hear her voice talking to her,saying beutiful stories before she fell asleep.

One day Y/n's father went on a trip.

After two months Y/n was waiting impatiently for her father to return home.

As she walked outside she saw a beautiful carriage stopping in front if her house.

She ran as fast as she could ready to welcome her father only to see two girls,close to her age,coming out.

Confused she backed away.

After the girls came a woman dressed in a beautiful black dress that seem to glare  at her. The last to come out was her father who had a sad smile painted on his face and he was carrying three suitcases.

"Y/n!"  he said and ran to his beloved daughter letting the suitcases drop,making the three woman gasp.

He hugged her tight and she hugged back.
"Dad" y/n yelled happily "You are back!I missed you so, much!"
"I missed you too princess."
The blacked haired woman cleared her throat,making you and your father look at her.

"oh" Your father said breaking the hug.He walked to the woman and took her hand kissing it.

"I wanted to introduce you to Maria Hermein"
You looked at her carefully. She had black long hair and red eyes.She was wearing a long black dress and had a look of pain in her eyes.
"Hello" she said almost glaring at you.

"...and her beautiful daughters Anastasia" She walked to the blond haired girl with the hazel eyes patting her shoulder. "Nice to meet you" she said "..and Drizella." He pointed at the girl next to him. Drizella had dark brown hair,so dark that someone may think of them as black and she had two light brown eyes full of pitty. Both of the girls bowed lightly.

Then your father walked back to you giving you a small pat on the head.

"Everyone,that is my daughter,Y/n"

"Hello It's a pleasure to meet you" 
You bowed and you could clearly see Maria glaring at you.Lookinh into your  e/c eyes with disgust,like an awful insect that had to be destroyed.

You shoved that off and looked at the small wooden house before looking at your father again.

"Y/n." He said. "Miss Maria and her daughters are going to stay with us."

"...What?" you said in disbelief"what do you mean by that?"

Your father opened his mouth ready to say something bit he was cut-off by miss Maria.

"He means that me and your father are getting married"


2 months after the wedding, father past away leaving his daughters and wife alone.

Since then you have been treated like trash.Forced to do all the house work and being picked on by them,you saw their real faces.Behind there beautiful masks there was disgust, evil.But you knew you had no choice but obey them.

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