The Secret

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      Robbins and I was walking out of the O.R. smiling. We had just completed a very successful Appendectomy on young Isabella.
      "Well that went very well, Hey why don't you swing by my place tonight so we can throw you a welcoming party? I can tell we will all enjoy having you around and you'll be an amazing part to our big o'hospital family." Arizona looks at me smiling.
      I shake my head no in a kind way "Thank you but no thanks, I saw a bar across the road from the bar so I decided to spend my night getting used to going over there on some occasions and getting a beer or two" We were still walking and we reach the lobby but before we go in Arizona turns towards me.
      "Oh well that's fine, maybe some other night, but um where are you staying? I might stop by tonight and bring a cake or something." Arizona smiles and I gave her my address and then we go into the Lobby and inform the parents of Isabella that the surgery was successful. We then go walking around the hospital not having to do anything for a few minutes. I was getting curious as to why Meredith Grey didn't want to socialize with me.
      "Hey Arizona, do you know what Dr.Grey's deal is? Every time I have come into sight of her, she just walks away and doesn't bother socializing with me or just simply saying Hi then leaving." I say very curious.
       "George was in love with Meredith before he was in love with Callie, and George was one of the Fantastic Five; well that's what I call them. They were the five best friend interns who formed a strong family bond when they started as interns. It was Meredith Grey, George O'Malley, Alex Karev, Isobelle Stevens, and Christina Yang, I would like to tell you more about them and stuff that happened to them through their years here in the Hospital. So maybe instead of going to the bar you come to my house and we can discuss them. Callie might go to the bar tonight, she is my wife and we have a daughter together. So come to the house tonight" Arizona gives me the address and I smile and nod. "Alright well I have to go and get Karev, him and I have a surgery to do tonight and it will be long, so maybe you want to watch from the gallery? Have Richard show you where the gallery is and then you come watch."
      I smile and nod as she walks off. I then walk around the hospital to find Richard. I finally see him and Miranda talking, but Miranda was crying. I have a thought to myself. Why is everyone crying around here? It's only my first day. I shake off the thought and just walk to the cafeteria, deciding I'd come back in a little bit after I got a snack.
      As I'm walking to the cafeteria, I hear my phone go off, signaling I had a text. I read it and it was from my mom.

Mommy<3: Hey sweetie pie!!!! How is your first day of work going? Are you having fun? I heard from Richard that you've already done your first surgery! So how did that go?? How is everyone??? Callie, Meredith, Izzy, Alex, Christina, McDreamy, Miranda? How are all them?

      I sit down on a bench to call my mom. After about two rings she picks up.
      "Hey mom! My first day of work is going good other than the fact that literally everyone has cried when they see my face except for a few like my mentor and a few of the other surgeons. Yeah it has been fun most of the part, it's work mom it's not much about having fun. My first surgery was a success. Callie is good I suppose ,she cried after we met,, she isn't fond of me at the moment, although I get why she isn't because her and George were in love and she probably sees him in me, but anyway, her wife is my mentor, did you know she had a daughter? Anyway I'm going over to her house tonight to talk with my mentor. Meredith won't speak to me, Arizona thinks it is has to do with the fact that George was in love with her before Callie and that George was one of her best friends, I have no idea where Izzy is, or who she is. Wasn't she that girl that George was with for a little while? I haven't gotten a chance to chat with Alex, he is the other fellow working with Arizona, they are in a surgery at the moment, Um.. I haven't talked to Christina yet, she was crying too. I have no idea who McDreamy is, that sounds like a stupid name to be honest, and Miranda showed me around and she cried as well." I take a deep breathe in and then smile. "Wow that was a mouthful, anyway mom I have to go, Arizona wants me to watch her surgery. Bye mom, love you" I hang up then stand up and start walking towards the O.R. but, I bump into Karev on my way there.
      "Sorry, wait aren't you supposed to be in surgery with Robbins?" I say quietly looking into his beautiful eyes.
      "Watch where you're going, and yeah I am, I'm going to go tell the family that surgery will be taking a bit longer to do, now get out of my way" He says kind of meanly, I step out of the way and walk towards the gallery. Once I get there, I sit in a seat and tear up a bit. I don't know why, I just met him but he seemed so caring and broken in his eyes, I don't see why he was so rude.   A few minutes later, Richard walks in, I look at him and have a nervous look. I know this is so sudden as it is my first day but I trust him and I needed to tell someone my secret.
      Richard sits down , "Hey Linny, why do you look nervous? You know you can tell me anything" He smiles softly and I nod.
      " Richard there is a reason I left John Hopkins and didn't stay there for my fellowship, well two reasons, one reason is that this is where George had his internship and the second reason is that I needed to get away from John Hopkins, I had an ex boyfriend there, and I think I'm pregnant..." I say with a shakey voice "My mom is the only one who knows I think that, and the reason I didn't stay with the father is because he drunk almost every night and it wasn't pretty when he was drunk..."
      Richard hugs me tightly and rubs my back, I was comfortable telling him this. Then I got uncomfortable when I heard a scalpel drop over the intercom, Arizona didn't start cutting yet. I looked down to see Arizona and Alex looking up at Richard and I. I then look at the intercom and then get scared.
      I left the intercom on...


WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Second Chapter lol, and it's longer!!!!! How'd you guys like it? What did y'all think of the ending? Please leave feedback. Also I'm going to need two new characters. Lindell's ex and Lindell's best friend. So fill out the Character Info in the comments and I will pick the ex and best friend next chapter.

Lindell's Ex:
Full Name -
Age -
Specialty -
Personality -
Other -

Lindell's Best Friend:
Full Name -
Age -
Gender -
Specialty -
Personality -
Other -

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 14, 2016 ⏰

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