Those Nights When You Are Alone

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Those Nights When You Are Alone

When you are alone

In the darkness

Of your bedroom,

Locked away from all others

And no one can find you.

Those are the times

When you are


When you are most unhappy

With your life

And with yourself.

Those nights

Behind closed doors

When you cry yourself to sleep

And no one seems to hear you,

You think

That maybe you are just being quiet

Or that no one really cares.

On those nights

Is when your mind wonders

To things you know nothing of

And things you cannot change.

As you lay by yourself

Wondering if you're good enough,

You may not know it,

But you are hurting yourself

More than anyone else

Ever can.

What you need

Is to not be alone,

I know that we can't

Always help it,

But what you need

Is a friend,

Or just someone to talk to.

You feel this in the night,

You feel your loneliness

Stronger than ever

And you realize

That all you want

Is someone to care.

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