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I pretend that I don't feel the things I do 

I hide my true feelings from everyone

I never let them go

If I feel them slipping then I go to the bathroom

And the stall becomes my friend 

It comforts and gives me a place to release my feelings 

I am glad that I have a place where I can cry in peace 

And I'm glad that no one knows 

They wouldn't be able to handle half of what I go through daily

I feel so many things daily that it almost drives me insane 

But I keep hold on my mind and try harder

I've tried to tell myself those feelings don't exist 

But they do

And I try to push those feelings away 

Like they don't matter

But it gets harder and harder to hold them in 

I'm afraid that one day they'll slip 

And I won't have time to cover for it

Then people will know

They'll think I'm acting like a baby

For crying 

But they don't know 

How hard it is to be me

To have people telling you what 

You are allowed and not allowed to do 

And that you must obey the things they tell you

It's almost like they are trying to rule my life 

Well I'm not perfect 

I'm far from it

And I never will be

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