They found their favorite bench. Daxton sat first. Before Mikayla sat beside him, he pulled her atop his lap instead. She squeaked in surprise before settling comfortably into his chest. They both sighed satisfactorily. Things were silent for a moment before Mikayla finally spoke.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in months," she said with a chuckle.

He chuckled with her and kissed her on her head. "I feel the same. I wish they'd leave."

Mikayla shot up quickly and smacked him lightly on his chest. "Don't say that. You don't mean it."

"They're getting in the way," he argued.

"They need our help."

"I don't want to get between a couple and their marriage. They shouldn't be making it our problem. It's between them."

"They just want our support," counted Mikayla.

"We can support them without getting in the middle of it," he argued. Mikayla grunted in frustration.

"Fine. Let's agree to disagree then." Daxton smirked. "Besides, I don't think there's much wrong with being a good friend. Weren't you there to support Nick when they fought after Annabelle said she was pregnant?"

Daxton thought about it and sighed. "I was there to support him."

"So, we should support them again," said Mikayla.

"But why does their problem have to interfere with us? I've got enough of Cameron doing that."

Mikayla laughed. "Don't be petty Dax. I'm still here and look, we've got time alone now."

He grinned and stretched forward to steal her lips with his. Her gasp was swallowed by him. Daxton gripped her waist as their lips moved heatedly. Mikayla matched his enthusiasm with her own. The room grew heated as their bodies moved together frantically. Daxton couldn't get enough of her. He'd miss being so close to her. He missed kissing her and tasting her. He felt like a starved man devouring his last meal.

Soon, Mikayla pulled away with a pop of her lips. "Wow," she whispered. She leaned in lazily to kiss down his neck. "I forgot how great a kisser you are," she mumbled against his neck, just before she bit his neck softly. He moaned loudly.

He wanted to take things further, but he knew they couldn't. He wanted all the time in the world with Mikayla but, they didn't have it yet. He pulled her away to stop her. "We should slow down."

"Is this what you want?" Mikayla asked. Daxton wondered if she knew just how convincingly seductive her voice was.

"I don't, but we should."

"You're right," she sighed. She leaned back until her breath no longer touched his lips. "What do you want to do then?"

He smirked at her. "There is something I've wanted to do for a long time."

Mikayla gulped. "What is it?"

He grabbed her from under her thighs and stood up. He held her up as he stood. She shrieked a bit just before Daxton placed her back on her feet. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. It took him a moment to find what he was looking for and then, soft gentle music played. He gripped her waist again and pulled her towards him. He held her left hand in his and directed the other to his shoulder. He started to sway, leading them into a clumsy waltz. Mikayla chuckled and let her head rest on his shoulder.

They continued to hold onto each other in silence. They let the music swirl around them as they got swept in the romance. Daxton couldn't believe how great it felt to just hold her. He bent his neck lower until his lips were against her ear. "I want you just the way you are," he sang brokenly into her ear. He could feel Mikayla shiver against him, and he smiled.

The song came to an end, but they continued to stand there swaying in each other's arms. All too soon, a knock came from outside the greenhouse. Daxton pulled away with a groan. The door opened and Cameron stuck his head through the door.

"What do you want Cam?" Daxton asked with a grouch.

His brother smirked. "You may want to get inside. The old couple are going nuts in there." His brother looked too excited by the thought of Daxton's friend fighting with his wife.

"I don't want to get involved," he said with a roll of his eyes.

Mikayla stepped away from his quickly. "We can't let things get too out of hand. They have a daughter to think about." She started her way out of their sanctuary, and he groaned aloud. He needed them to sort out their nonsense so he could move on with his life. He wasn't cut out for this. With reluctance, Daxton followed behind Mikayla. He was determined to have the craziness end. He needed some of his normalcy back. 

A/N: Things are going to get crazy from the next chapter

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A/N: Things are going to get crazy from the next chapter. Prepare yourselves. 

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