Chapter 1 - The Move

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As I jumped out the car I heard a familiar whinny coming from the first stable. I walked towards my 13.2hh pony and brought him on the yard to get his travel gear on. I took a few minutes to get everything sorted then I stepped back and saw my bay pony covered in navy blue. Me and my parents finally got him in the black trailer and we set off down the road to our new yard!

It took us half an hour to get there and when we did Mojo was kicking off big time. I guess it was probably because it was his second time in a trailer. I took him out and out the corner of my eye saw the most beautiful boy jumping 1 meter on his chestnut with ease. My heart fluttered and I guess I was staring at him for a while as a girl walked passed and snapped, "he's mine!" I soon busied myself with Mojo, trying not to think about the hot boy as he walked past me. I stuck my head over the stable door and saw him lead his chestnut into the stable next to me!

Sorry this chapter was a bit short but I will make them longer in the future!!

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