As the hours travel by more and more. We went through every building we can.

"I don't see it." I said.

"It has to be in here." Solana says.

"But where?" Selena says.

I turned and then seen a tall way high building.

"Yup this is the one." I nodded.

"So tall." Selma says.

"So many stairs." Selma added.

"You see that black energy up there on the top?" I pointed.

"Yeah so that must be him all the way on top." Solana says.

We went inside and basically this building had an elevator then we got in. The music played and selma tilt her head like those people do in the movies. Then I felt a much more sharp pain.

"They are like fifty floors up here." Selena says.

"Whoever built this must've been trying to get people late to work on these floors." Solana says.

"Uh guys!" Selma says as I was in pain.

"There goes the pain." I said as I held my stomach.

"That stuff is wearing off. But way too quick." Solana says.

"Of course because there's twins not just one child." Selma says.

"God this hurts." I said.

"Come on Pashion. Take some deep breaths." Solana says.

When we made it the top had this bed and it was all rainbow like glowing but there goes ant's body.

I walked over to it and I can feel the pain increasing.

"Okay Pashion, well lay down and hold his hand but when you get in there he would have to apologize holding your hands because this was his punishment and you will have to forgive him and then basically you're gonna go back to normal and everything. Got it?" Selma says.

"Yeah." I nodded. I closed my eyes and then drifted off.


I appeared and I can still feel the pain. Where is he? I looked around and the pain was gettin worse. I screamed and was trying to look for him.

"Ant..." I said.

"Where are you...." i added.

He appeared and then hurried then helped me up.

"I'm sorry pashion my powers were freezing and then I froze." He says.

"I'm in so much pain right now." I said.

"Okay so you made it?" He asked.

"Yes..." I nodded.

He held both of my hands and took a deep breath.

"Pashion I apologize for everything I have done. My foolish ways, acts, the hell I put you through here and alive. I am truly blessed that you found somewhere to forgive and then love me. So don't even worry about us leaving each other when we both are awake because that will never happen. I promise you it won't.  So I love you a whole lot pashion and I am sorry....Do you forgive me?" He says.

I looked him in his eyes and then I nodded.

"Yes Anthony I do." I say as I put my lips on his and then we are now waking up.

I woke up and the pain also the growing has went back to normal. I seen ant next to me and he got up then hugged me.

"Damn this feel so real." He says.

"It is." I said.

We heard claps and it was selma.

"Don't cha'll know I'm rich now?" She smiled.

"Good job Mr.Alsina." we turned to see some witch.

"Huh?" He says.

"Remember me? The one who turned you obviously?" She says.

"Oh yeah I do now."

"So you learned your lesson?" She asked.

"Yes I did. For years." He says as he holds onto me.

"So now you have this lovely girl and my work here is done." She says as disappears.

"Wait!" Selma says.

"Yes Selma?" The woman said.

"You owe me too for that bet, you ain't slick come here sista and pay up." Selma say as she holds out her hand.

The witch snapped her fingers and selma had a stack of money.

"See you at that club tonight." Selma waved as that woman disappeared.

Well! There y'all go! Ant has finally awoken!

Selma is a mess and wanted her money!

Well thoughts?🤔





Well this story will be followed by three epilogues.

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