chapter 2- Bonfire

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Beca was watching TV in the living room with her aunt when the woman looked over at her. "Aren't you going to go join the bonfire? You said that Jessica's cousin invited you."

"It's not really my thing," Beca replied, hoping her aunt would let it go.

"You know, I'd really like to see you starting to make friends, Beca. You can't isolate yourself forever."

"I can't," Beca replied. "It's hard and people treat me like a freak because I'm socially awkward."

"You don't give yourself enough credit." Anna patted her niece on the knee. "Go out there. You'll be surprised how much fun you'll end up having." The woman stood up. "I'm going to go get ready for bed." She pulled a lipstick tube out of her pocket and applied it.

Beca quirked a brow. "What are you doing?"

Ann smiled at the brunette. "I've decided that I should put makeup on before I go to bed. If I don't wake up, at least I go out in style."

"Aunt Anna," Beca chided. "That's morbid."

"It's good thinking is what it is," Anna replied. "What if I get carted out of here by an attractive gentleman? I have to look good even in death."

"You're not being funny," Beca sighed.

"Funny is all there is left to be, sweetheart. Now go... and you better stay out late."

Beca got up. "Fine. I'm going. Goodnight."

"Night." Anna headed to her room and Beca grabbed her jacket before going outside.

As she walked towards the beach, she spotted numerous amounts of people goofing around, talking and drinking. She took a deep breath and continued on towards them. She could do this. It wasn't that hard. If anything, she would sit by the fire and pretend that she was enjoying herself.

"Hey, why do you look like you're about to step into a pool full of piss?" a blonde girl asked as she approached the brunette. "Loosen up. My name's Fat Amy."

Beca frowned. "You call yourself Fat Amy?"

The blonde grinned. "Yeah, so twig bitches like you don't do it behind my back."

Beca raised her eyebrows at that. "Uh, can I just call you Amy?"

The blonde shrugged. "That's fine. You don't go to Barden do you?"

"Not yet. Unfortunately I will be attending at the start of the school year."

"Me too," Amy said, happily. "We can be roomies! I know you've only just met me but trust me, I'm the best person to know."

"Hey, Amy!" A boy with a red solo cup gestured for the blonde to join them.

"Sorry, I'm a wanted woman. I didn't catch your name," Amy said.


"I'll come back to see you when I'm done making my rounds, Beca."

Beca watched Amy walk off before continuing towards the bonfire. She was almost there when she was stopped yet again but this time by a guy.

"Hey," the boy smiled, charmingly.

"Luke, no." Chloe approached them and linked her arm with Beca's. "She's with me."

Luke held his hands up in mock surrender. "My bad, Red."

"Thank you," Beca said once Luke walked off. "That had major potential of being really awkward for me."

Chloe grinned. "Not used to getting hit on?"

"Not at all," Beca replied.

Chloe looked surprised by this information. "Do you attend a school for the blind or something?"

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