Chapter 5*

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your positive reactions to this book gives me so much joy to write it! thanks so much!

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"Lolly?" I vaguely heard my nickname being called somewhere in the far distance of my mind. "Lolly!" This time I heard it a little louder. "Lolly, are you in there?!" Finally, I was pulled from my daydream. I pulled the cherry flavored lollypop from my mouth and focused on Sarah, who was only inches away from my face, bent over my desk.

Her eyes were narrowed. "Please do tell, who were you fantasizing about? And don't leave out any details." She said to me, her voice going sugary sweet as a grin slowly took over her lips.

A blush instantly filled my cheeks. "No one." I quickly snapped. Of course, that was a total lie. Andy was all that had been on my mind since. . . well, especially since yesterday.

Sarah raised her eyebrow, murmuring an 'uh-huh'. The tone of her voice was showing pure disbelief. She let out a deep sigh and situated her butt on the edge of my desk. "I was thinking about coloring my hair. Do you reckon Mr. Biersack is into blondes?"

My eyes widened at the mention of his name. "Wh-what? I-I wouldn't know." I nervously told her, swirling a finger around a lock of my own auburn colored hair.

Sarah pursed her bottom lip into a sad pout. "Yeah, nobody really knows what he's into, huh?" Oh but I sure did. He was into children. . . or as he called it; childlike women. That concept was still so strange to me. "But ugh, I can just imagine him pulling at my hair and—"

"Alright, that's enough!" I cut her off, laughing a little as I tried swatting her away. "Go fantasize on your own desk before mine gets all slippery and wet." I told her.

She grinned at that. "Sex on a desk, oh that's a good one. You're so kinky, Lolly."

I rolled my eyes and threw an eraser at her head. "Get out! You're distracting me." I scolded her. I couldn't help but to laugh, though. Sarah was so bold, so unlike me, which I suppose was precisely why we got along so well. Plus she was my roommate, I didn't have much of a choice but to deal with her.

"Oh, right, I'm distracting you from your own fantasy." She murmured sarcastically before she finally hopped off my desk. And she was about to say something else, until someone clearing their throat shut the both of us up completely.

I looked over and saw Andy standing there, his lips pursed into a straight line, but his eyes sparkling with amusement as he glanced down at me. Just me. He hardly even acknowledged Sarah. "Can I please see you in my office, miss Dermott?"

And we were back at last name basis. Okay.

"Sure, sir." Was all I said, slipping my lollypop back between my lips. His jaw tightened for a moment while he watched me, before he then finally turned around and strolled back into his office.

"Did you do something?" Sarah questioned me, a little surprised by what just happened.

"I don't know." I breathed, feeling completely flustered from his sudden appearance. I got up from behind my desk and adjusted my clothes, making sure my skirt wasn't rolled up in some kind of inappropriate way. "Is my hair okay?" I heard myself asking Sarah while I tucked a lock behind my ear.

She shot me a curious look, but didn't answer my question. So without another word, I ventured out to Andy's office. Or was I supposed to call him by his last name again? Lord this was so confusing.

I knocked twice, as I always did, and then opened the door, peaking my head inside. "You wanted to see me?" I questioned carefully.

He looked up from his computer and smiled. "Yes, please, come in." He beamed, suddenly very cheery. I stepped inside and slowly closed the matted glass door behind me. "Please come sit beside me, I want to go over the rules with you."

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