Chapter 2

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Dagger returns to the home a few hours later, tossing the empty can into the rubbish bin by the desk after crushing it in her hands, walking to the kitchen to grab another, her sister had long since left, but she still didn't fancy hanging around, not knowing when she'd be back.

Usually, they do get along to an extent, as much as other siblings do, taunting, teasing and insults being thrown to and throw, but at the end of the day, they could chill together, so long as they didn't really speak, so it was a good job they didn't live in the same place, Angela taking up residence within a large building with the others.

Once again, she found herself stalking outside, opting to down the can of sugar before crushing and kicking it towards the woods, the sound of it crashing into the foliage, echoing out into quietness, the aspect of silence standing out to the girl, it was a bit too quiet.

Again, left alone to her thoughts, she began to run through the life she'd lived so far. Memories of being a somewhat normal human being etched into far distant memories, pale, pink skin, reddened smooth cheeks, acne here and there when puberty hit, the same as the others.

Surrogate mothers and fathers, though the girls didn't know it at the time, raised them in oddly specific ways, no tattoos or twisted features. Sanity was present back then, an innocence that lurked in their heads, soon to be torn and manufactured into artificial instability.

Gruesome memories began to surface of the manipulation, mutilation, a manufactured life being sent on a destructive path, all for the sake of bringing down a force even those experimenting couldn't quite grasp.

Echoing footsteps through the woods tore Dagger from her thoughts. She peaked through the bushes and branches, trying to see who it was, but when a realization hit that it could be her lost prey, a curved and extended grin covered her dry and chapped lips, her feet beginning to carry her towards the tapping footsteps.

When she approached the figure, she drew out her switchblade, dried blood coating its slightly rusted blade, the need to stab into something alive was a desire her mind was crying out for her to satisfy, hiding in the bushes, waiting for the opportunity to pounce.

However, when the figure, hood now down, turned just enough for her to see his face, her blood ran cold. The corner of her lips turning downwards, which did nothing for her tattoos, the man before her was almost glowing in the slithers of moonlight that beamed though. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

The similar leathery, pale skin, dark circles around his eyes and the notorious carved smile that stretched from cheek to cheek. The all too well known serial killer who stalks the streets at night, the familiar saying, "Go to sleep" being the only words he utters before sending his victims to meet their maker. Jeff the Killer.

This was the first time Dagger laid eyes on the real thing, and despite what she would have thought, she felt no anger, despite his existence being the only reason for her painstaking past, in fact, she felt thrilled, exhilarated. Delighted.

Remaining cautious, she resisted the urge to approach him, instead, she his within the bush, hidden within the leaves shadow, aided by the already dark area around her, she almost scared herself with how silent she was being, watching, stalking the killer from a distance.

Eventually, she became bored and restless watching him skulk around, wanting a chase, wanting the thrill of the hunt to wash over, but given the circumstances, she knew she was going to be disappointed. She removes herself from the bushes, hood still covering her face, looking down.

She heard his head whip around, knowing the crazed grin that must have covered his face as he rushed over. She felt his cold leathered hand wrap around her throat and force her back into a tree to her left, his lips parting and harsh excited panting rushes past them, excited to utter his oh so famous catchphrase.

Unfortunately for him, Dagger raised her head, showing her already scarred face, causing the man to stop his actions, hand raised above his head holding firm the bloodied kitchen knife, her head was reeling with hormones and chemicals, starting to laugh, first a chuckle, then a seamless giggle to a rumbling bellow.

Dagger was unable to control herself, after almost 19 years, the very entity she was literally bred to hunt down was now holding her against a tree, ready to kill her. It was a humorous ironic joke in her mind, contemplating weather she actually wanted him to kill her or not.

Jeff, on the other hand, had no idea what to do in this situation. At first he thought he was being pranked by Nina, but looking at the tattooed face and features, he realized quickly this was another person entirely. By now, his confusion turned to anger, glaring at the slightly shorter girl before hi,.

After a few more giggles, her laughter died down, composing herself. He was wondering what the fuck was going on, his hands loosening from around her throat, before snapping back, tightening once again, holding the knife to her cheek.

The two share an intense glance, before she began to smiling, despite the tightening grasp around her throat, however, when she raised her hand up, now showing the blade within her own grasp, slamming it down in his shoulder, causing him to yell out, stumbling backwards, releasing her throat, his retreat pulling the blade from his shoulder as it remained in her grasp.

Strings of curses and hissing came from him while he held his aching shoulder, the pain seeing like a hot slice. He goes to grab his knife, however, Dagger grabs it first, waving it in the air teasingly before placing it in her pocket, leaving him defenceless and injured.

Knowing she had the upper hand in that moment, he decided to run for it, "Fucking shit!" He yells as he stumbles to his feet and takes off, his speed reduced to slightly faster than a jog, "Who is this chick?!" He asks aloud, looking behind him to see she was still standing by the tree, catching her breath, rubbing her neck and stretching her back.

Adrenalin began to kick in, the pain in his shoulder disappearing as he picks up speed, trying to get as far away from the deranged girl in his wake. Exhaustion and fatigue eventually sets in, but by then, he feels he's gotten a good distance away, leaning against a nearby tree and pulling his hoodie collar down.

Revealing the wound, he was more than glad it wasn't as deep as it could have been had the blade been sharpened and rust free. He groans and hisses in pain while the back of his head lays against the bark, uncomfortable yet comforting.

Dagger was running in the same direction, but had once again lost him, she felt rage and frustration bubble within her once more, however, when she thinks about the barrier around the land they were in, she grinned wider, unless he had the pagan ruin tattooed somewhere on his body, there'd be no way for him to escape.

The only thing that ruined her newfound mood was the thought of someone else getting their hands on him first. Not wanting to spoil the mood she'd worked herself in, she takes a deep breath and turns back in the direction of her residence, a skip in her step.

It won't be long before she can get her hands on him, once again wondering if she really wanted to kill him or to be killed by him. 

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