Chapter Ten

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Marshal woke to an overwhelming sense of well-being that left him confused for a moment until he recognized the warm body snuggled up against his side.

He leaned up on one arm and gazed down at Danny's sleeping face. Danny looked so peaceful lying there and Marshal couldn't help smiling at the way his lips pouted out adorably with every exhale. He was just so cute.

Seeming to feel the gaze on him, Danny yawned and opened his eyes, blinking up at Marshal. "Oh," he said in surprise.

"Good morning," Marshal said. He was careful not to make any sudden moves that might send Danny into a panic.

After a couple of seconds, Danny tentatively smiled back at him. "Morning," his voice was sleep hazed, but he didn't sound too upset to find Marshal in bed with him. "Do you want to get some breakfast?"

Marshal's stomach gurgled. "Sure. I could eat."

Danny laughed and climbed out of bed. He looked cute in his pajamas. They were dark blue cotton with thin vertical yellow stripes and looked like something out of a 1950s sitcom. With his hair tousled around his head and his bare feet, Marshal had to bite his lip just looking at him.

Marshal got up and went to the chair he'd left his clothes on and had to pause. "These have been folded and," he lifted his shirt and sniffed it, "laundered."

Danny barely glanced at him. "Yeah, they probably got picked up earlier this morning. This way you don't have to go to work in dirty clothes."

"But it's a little creepy to me that someone came in here and took my clothes while we were sleeping," Marshal said. "I don't think I'm really into the idea of that."

"Okay," Danny said, heading into the bathroom. "I'll let the staff know. I'm taking a shower now and I'll meet you downstairs."

Left standing there when the bathroom door closed, Marshal had to kind of wonder what had just happened. Then he laughed and shook his head. Danny was a real character.

He got dressed and sat down in the chair to pull on his shoes. Then he stood and adjusted his tie, running his fingers through his hair. He figured he would go down and eat breakfast, then he would come back up to brush his teeth.

Giving the closed bathroom door one last glance, he left the bedroom and headed down the stairs toward the dining room.

He should have felt completely awkward, but he felt perfectly comfortable. It was as though there was nowhere else he should be.

He was still a little unsure about what he was supposed to do when he came into the dining room and was greeted by Beatrice's bright smile. "Good morning, Mr. Newman. Olivia's been making pancakes, bacon, and fruit salad. Can I get you anything?"

"Can I have some of all of that and strawberry jam if you have some instead of syrup?" Marshal asked. "I don't like syrup."

"I'll be sure to remember that," Beatrice said, walking toward the door. "I'll be back with your food shortly."

"Well, shouldn't you wait to ask Danny what he wants?" Marshal asked.

Beatrice laughed and shook her head. "Oh no, Mr. Worth always gets the same thing."

"And what's that?" Marshal asked.

"Fruit salad and yogurt."

Marshal stared after her for a moment, then shrugged and sat down at what he was coming to know as "his" spot.

He had to think that the maids were kind of weird. They fell all over themselves to do anything they could for Danny, but the way they did it was sometimes a bit awkward.

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