Chapter Five

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After sharing a week and a half of dinners with Danny, Marshal figured it was his turn to do something. Which is why he was heading into Worth Enterprises at eleven-thirty in the morning, a cloth shopping bag swinging from his hand.

He headed right to the reception area. "Can you let Daniel Worth know that Marshal Newman is here to see him?"

The woman gave him a quick up-and-down look, though she was too well trained to show any kind of skepticism about his presence. "Is Mr. Worth expecting you?"

Marshal shook his head. "Not exactly. But if you let him know I'm here, I'm sure he'd be happy to see me."

"I'm sure." She gave him one more look over, then lifted the receiver to make a phone call. After a few seconds, she said, "Hello, Ms. Hawthorne, this is Lori from reception. I have a gentleman here that says he would like to see Mr. Worth. He said his name is Marshal Newman."

If he hadn't been watching her so closely, he probably would have missed the flicker of surprise that crossed her face. She was just that good at keeping her face blank. "Certainly, ma'am. I'll be sure to send him right up." She hung up the phone and looked at Marshal. "If you step into that elevator right there, I'll send it right up."

"Thank you," Marshal said politely, walking over to the elevator. He didn't even slow his stride when she had it slide open in front of him, just stepped inside like he wasn't inwardly freaking out.

Worth Enterprises had gone a little overboard on their security, in his opinion at least. The receptionist had complete control of the elevator, not only opening and closing the door, but also controlling what floors the elevator went to. There was just something so eerie about not having a panel of buttons. He couldn't help wondering what he was supposed to do if the elevator stalled out.

His stomach did the usual lurch when the elevator rose up through the building. It was such a smooth ride that he couldn't even tell what floors he was passing through and there was no number display anywhere, which was a little creepy. There were so many options for horror movie type shenanigans that he had to force himself not to think about it.

Marshal crumpled the folds of the paper bag in his sweaty hand. It had felt like such a great idea this morning, but now he was having second thoughts about coming here. There was a very good chance that he would end up feeling like an utter tool by the end of today.

The elevator made a melodic ding sound, then the door slid open soundlessly. He had no idea what floor he was on. It was a real mindfuck, which was probably the effect the manufacturers had been aiming for.

He stepped out of the elevator and headed directly to Sophia Hawthorne's desk. Danny's personal assistant was typing away at an invisible keyboard--one of those laser ones that could be displayed on any surface and could only be seen by someone wearing special glasses. It was all very high-tech and was a definite corporate espionage deterrent.

Sophia's silver-framed glasses were elegant and gave her rather pretty face a severe countenance that emphasized how serious she was about her job. The royal blue blouse, black pencil skirt, and sensible low heels she displayed when she stood up and came around her desk were just as business oriented.

"Agent Newman, are you here for official Bureau business?" she asked, her hazel eyes piercing him over the frames of her glasses. Her dark hair was pulled back in a perfect chignon, not a single wisp allowed out of place.

Marshal shook his head with an awkward smile. "No, actually. I don't know if you know this or not, but Danny and I have been dating."

Her perfectly groomed eyebrows rose in surprise. "Really? Mr. Worth hasn't bothered to inform me of that yet."

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