Chapter one.

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Lexii POV

"Aaden! Baby come here" I yell from his room.

"Coming mommy" He said, he a big momma boy, my best friends live with me, but they are at work, and i have to get Aaden to day car and off to work im a detective I love my job! NYPD svu. Have you heard of Law &Order svu? Well thats me! Well im in it! I love it so much! So time it gets a little scary but its still a good job, pays good, and you become a family with everyone, you get jackets shirts its cool.

So its snowing outside, its November ! So its gonna be cold! I love it ! I put on Aaden jacket, and grab his car backpack and pick him up, put him on my hip and turn up all of the lights and lock the door and walk down the few steps and into my black and red ranger rover.

I get Aaden into the car and i get in the car and kiss is little head, look into his eyes that look like his dad, i smile and than shut the door and go to the other side of the car and get it and turn on the heater and started the car and start to drive.

"Mommy i love you" Aaden said. That warm my heart.

"I love you to Aaden!" I smile, he is to cute. I turn on the radio and the song 'Forever & Always' start to play and every time i heard this when i was with Niall and would sing it to me, so i turn it off, well put my phone in and start to play the songs 'We ride' By Rihanna played, omg this is my song! I love this song.

Than i started to drive again to his day car, his day care is about 20 minutes away from where Rene and Angelical works, and my work is 20 minutes way from my house so im in the care for 50 minutes every day i have to leave the house two / three hours before i have to go to work, but my boss Caption. he is the head of the place where i work.. station i should say, we understand everything and he is easy going and everything.

Aaden fall asleep, he didn't get to much sleep last night, He was to cold, or he was to hot or he just want to cuddle with momma, and that lends me with no sleep either all together i had 2 hours of sleep. So im tired right now to, but my son is way more important to me than my sleep.

Finally i pulled up to his daycare. I grab my bag, and go around and go get Aaden out of the car, i try to wake him up but he would fall asleep again so i grab his little bag and shut the car door, and than my phone started to go off, but i answer it any way.

"Hello?" I answer the phone without even looking at the phone, But i said it cute.

"Hey! Let me Skype my son now." Niall said kinda rudely like always, nothing new.

"Uhm Excuse me Niall, he is asleep, and he now at daycare, and im about to go to work. You can later today, good bye" I said singing in Aaden.

"No wait, why cant i Skype him? Thats stupid. Damn, You need to chill out." He said even more rudely.

"Niall i just said you can later, he at date care!" Than he didn't say anything, so i though he hung up so i put in my jacket pocket.

"Bye baby, ill see you later okay, have fun here." I kiss his head and took of his jacket and he kiss my cheek to.

"Bye mommy, love you" He said and ran off to his friends. I than talk to his teachers telling them that he would be needed a nap today, he didn't really sleep last night, he was having trouble, and imma be at work if they need me, and told them i didn't sleep either lol.

"Awww, your such a good mother.. maybe you should just go home and get some sleep, you really do need a break."

"I would love it, but i have to pay bills.. but thanks so much, call me if you need anything, or if he having trouble sleeping.."

My baby daddy ♡ ~ Niall Horan ~Where stories live. Discover now