Chapter 7

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Harry POV

Its been two almost three months since i was in New York, im in London at the moment. Im going to fly in tomorrow so i can see her and maybe ask her out on a date. When i get back there, we are just really busy right now in London.

So we are just in the studio hanging out having fun and everything. When Angie texted me saying that she wants to come to London, and she got a few days off of work so she wants to come and see me, ahhh i think she likes me a little bit. I like her a lot in fact. She i told her that i can pick her up and everything and i can make sure she can go to 1st class and she said no its okay about the 1st class thing, and i told her i wanted to and she finally gave it after about a hour of us talking about it, so i was super duper happy that she was coming, She said her flight will be coming in around 3:30 in the morning on Thursday. Geeez im so excited i can ask her if she wants to go on the date now! So i dont have to wait until i go back to America to. Great!

I Heard yelling coming from the dressing room so Liam and I walk into the room and see Niall and Zayn yelling at each other, that's not like them, what the hell is going on.

"HEY! Whats going on?" Lou asked.

"Niall is all upset because im walking to Lexii!"

"Now why are you upset about that?"

"Because she my ex girl friend, you dont do that!"

"Im not even talking to her like that! We are just friends! Ever since you dumped her we gotten really close, for your information!" Zayn said.


"Yeah exactly! So why dont you mind your own business next time ok?"

"Okay, im sorry..."

"Its alright man" Then they hug it out. That was weird, usually he wouldn't care.. Oh well. I know that use to Like Lexii like a lot, but i guess he has gotten over that or he just didn't want to tell us anymore... So i texted Angie... she if she awake over there. .Its only 12 pm over here so its like.... 8 am over there... She should be up.

"Hey you up? xx " I texted Angie... And i waited for a while, no text back well okay i guess i just have to blow up her phone until she does wake up... So that's what i did, texting her all theses cute things so when she wakes up she can have a smile on her face.. Then i texted Lexii asking whats going on between Zayn & Her.

"Yooooooooo xx" I texted Lexii

"Ayeee" x She text backed.

"Whats up with you  & Zayn??"

"Nothing? We just really close friends.."

"Oh Okay ! Niall thinks you guys are more than 'just friends' He jelly :) "

"Haha awww xx Wait why?"

"Oh i know dont, why dont you ask him?"

"I gonna go to work soon !"

"When you have time talk to him, he seems really upset. okay ? x & Tell Angie to get up !"

"Okay I will ,"

" Good "

"Okay ,  I have to go byeeeeeeeeee <3"

"Have fun at work ! :) xx"

Wait she never told me if she was gonna wake up Angie or not?

Niall POV

I was kinda upset when I saw that Lexii texted Zayn today, I didn't read what she said, but i just saw her show up on her phone, and Zayn is always smiling and laughing when he on the phone or texting or something i just want to know if they are dating or like each other or something.. that all i want to know, if she is happy then im happy. I still care about her and everything... I dont know why but lately i began to like her again... again? I just dont know how to say it, because i think Zayn likes her but i dont want to say something. And Plus i have Ashley, and she my girl friend that we been dating for two years... but two years doesn't compete to four years and 10 months with Lexii...

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