Chapter ten

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Niall POV

Its been four months since Lexii and I been having this thing between, we not together but we not seeing other people as well, we just being kissing, hugging, hang out a lot. I spend all day with Aaden, and Lexii and I are going to go out tonight to have some fun. We haven't had time to our self in about three months, im not complaining or anything but i want to ask her to be mine. Tonight we are going to find out were we stand. I really want her to say yes to me so we can be together, and Aaden going to start Kindergarten next month, and I've been wanting to have another child with her but in order to have another child you have to have sex, and we only had sex once about four months ago and she not pregnant, i want to be with Lexii as well, but she doesn't i dont think, which makes me mad, and sad and hurt.

Aaden is taking his nap right now, i watch Aaden when Lexii goes to work, she hasn't gone to work that much lately because its just not as busy anymore, which is good... but yeah. I called Lexii to see if still up for tonight. I called her and she answer on the third ring.

"Hey Ni" She says, its kinda loud over there.

"Hey babe"

"Hey hows Aaden? Everything ok?"

"Yeah everything is great, just wanted to make sure if you're still up for tonight?"

"Of course, im excited."

"Good, i am to, do you know what time you get off tonight? Or are you still working full time?"

"I get off at 4 babe"

"Awesome so you get off in two hours"

"Yeah, are you ok?"

"Yeah, i just want to know already love"

"I know, and we will talk about it tonight ok"

"Okay, i love you and ill see you when you get home"

"I love you too" She says than hangs up. My mom and dad are in town and they are going to be watching Aaden for us tonight, Aaden knows them well, they use to come down a lot, and he knew him as a baby and everything.

So i sit down and watch some TV in my bedroom where Aaden is sleeping for his nap, i was on my twitter just checking going thru everything talking to some fans, i was bored and i didn't want to do anything, i just wanted to lay down with my son, and talk to some fans.

It been about a hour and Aaden is still asleep, i decide to take a picture of him and put in on twitter.

"He sleeps like a rock!" I put on my tweet.

I was going thru all the things that the fans were saying of how cute he is, how much he looks like me. I was laughing at some of the tweets some fans were saying, i didn't even realize that the bedroom door open and shut. Or that Lexii was standing right next to Aaden giving him a kiss not waking him up.

"Hey baby" I say and she comes over to me and gives me a hug. I look at the time 4:40. Wow times flys.

"How long has Aaden been asleep?"

"Two hours."

"Oh okay, i should go back to my place and get ready for tonight huh?"

"No, you can cuddle with me until Aaden wakes up and than you can go" I said smiling and she smiles with me.

"Okay."  She says. I get up from the bed and let her get on the bed and she get all comfy and cuddle in with her and i wrap my legs around her legs, pull her to me.

"Its hot, how do you stay in this hot?"

"Its not hot for me, but i can turn on the fan."

"Yes please, Aaden is sweaty"

My baby daddy ♡ ~ Niall Horan ~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora