Chapter eight [ Niall POV ]

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Niall POV

Today was i hanging out with Aaden and his mother, since she is off for a few days from her job. I want to do something for Lexii, i want to take her out... i know we aren't dating or anything but i want to take her out, she a great mother to our son, she works really hard and she really needs to get away from New York for a while, have a family trip... we aren't together like i said but we are still a family, i still do love her, True love never dies, i was just so stupid not to see that i see love her, i never knew what i really wanted in life, but now i do, i want to be a family with Lexii and Aaden, and maybe have another child with her, never know.

im thinking about taking her to Paris, just have fun time together, i know she would love it because i know she always want to go to Paris. And i know she would love to take Aaden out of New York, Out of America for while, he will have some much fun.

So as we was driving back to Lexii guess house, Lexii is driving since we had a really fun day today going to the zoo, to get ice cream, the park, pizza and just everywhere. Just having so much fun, but now its was time to go back home and enjoy a movie we bought for Aaden, but he fall asleep during the ride home.

We are kinda far from her guess house, she has the music kinda loud, not that loud but loud enough so we cant really hear each other talk if we wanted to talk. I have to say that she listens to good music though, its not horrible music. She really listen to all kinds. But she also have ghetto ass songs up on here.

It was really fun hanging out with them today, i forgot how it was to hang out with her and how much fun she can be, why did i forget this? I turn to look at her as all the fun times we use to have together before i became into this band, and before we had Aaden. The song 'My Immortal' by Evanescence came on, and she smiled to this song, and turn it up a little bit, the windows are down, and Aaden is still asleep. I surprise he isn't awake, i mean the music isn't even that loud with the wind and everything. But i look at her, her tan skin tone, her Tattoo that says 'Aaden' on her wrist. Her dark brown hair following into the wind, and the sun shinny on it, making it look so healthy. The way she has her hands on the wheel at the bottom of it. She so beautiful, sometime i think why did i ever break up with her and why did i do what i did to her, sometimes i just want to kiss her, we been hanging out like a lot lately, and i have to tell you that im falling for her. She looks at me for about .2 seconds than back again.

"What?" She says.

"This song is so sad"  She just nodded and start to look at the road. I change the song, its about to put me in a sad mood, and i really dont want to be in a sad mood, because im having a great day! And i dont want it to go bad.

Oh did i tell you that she is in Texas right now? I have to say its a beautiful place to be, and waking up its beautiful as well, i was really wrong about everything its not country place, i mean they are some places, but not in most parts, yes there is a lot of trees, but that's a good thing, lots of woods things like that, but i was also wrong how Texans talk, they are mostly ghetto and Mexican people that live here, its so peaceful here, and everyone respects you here, its amazing. Like there isn't any pops are anything and i love it!

We finally reach her guess house that she is renting for a few weeks since she is off for a few weeks, and since she is off and i am off im spending these weeks with my son and then headed over to Ireland and hang out with my family.

We got out of the car, and i grab Aaden from her, and she picks up the bags the we bought today, and the stuff that Aaden got at the zoo and everywhere else today, which i held with some of it. We got in the house and i put the stuff down at the table and went to the room that Aaden was sleeping in. I took of his shoes and jacket since it was cold outside, its like cold for 6 months and hot for the other 6 months Lexii says. I tuck Aaden into bed and gave him a kiss on the cheek and left the door open to the room, and went down stairs to help Lexii put the stuff away.. Like the food, and stuff. We went shopping as well.

My baby daddy ♡ ~ Niall Horan ~Where stories live. Discover now