2: Ren Hakuryuu

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In the afternoon I had to conclude my practicing and head down to greet the Kou prince with Sin.

"Fourth prince of the Kou Empire, my name is Ren Hakuryuu." The young prince stands in front of us and clasps his hand over his fist as their formality. "His majesty mentioned you to me, welcome to Sindria." Then Sin gestures to me.

"This is the princess of Sindria, my sister, Princess (F/Name)." He says. "It is very nice to meet your acquaintance, lord Hakuryuu." I bow down respectfully.

"Oh. Who is that lady behind you?" Sin asks. "Awh! The P-Princess Kougyoku?" Ja'far stutters in shock.

"Thank you for the other day. It is nice to see you again." She says smiling. "Likewise." Sin replies. "It's been a while hasn't it? We've never gotten the chance to meet while I was at the Kou Empire did we, well. It's nice to be reunited with you again!" Then he started laughing while the princess was fuming.


While Sin and the others were so preoccupied with the problem, I was occasionally listening in and taking glances at the black-haired prince.

But as I caught my last glance, we made eye contact for a second before I looked away with a sheer blush on my cheeks.


After the situation was cleared, I stood by Alibaba and watched the prince walk away. "Are you sure about letting him off the hook?" Ja'far asks. "It's fine. At the very least I don't think that that prince will go home any soon till he fulfills whatever his goal may be."Sin says.

I look at Alibaba and he frowns.


The next day, I approached Alibaba and Aladdin by the fountain. "Alibaba," I call to his attention. "Oh. Hi, Princess (F/Name)." He says. He had his shirt off and I looked at his arm. "Is your arm alright?" I ask, touching the bandages.

"I'm fine." He smiles.

Then Morgiana comes by with her new vessels. "Woah! So this is your household vessel Morgiana?" Alibaba asks. The three sitting on the grass while I stand idly by and watch.

"Yes. They've been turned into leg ornaments. And I've been told that the sun symbol is worshiped all across the dark continent." She says. "They're so beautiful! Show us what you can do with them!" Aladdin cheers.

She puts them on and tests them out. But she accidentally grabs Aladdin and Alibaba by the head with her chains. "Hehe..." I giggle and cover my mouth with my sleeves.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Morgiana says as she takes the remaining chains off of Alibaba. "Don't you think you'd be better off without those chains? Or should wear them somewhere else besides your legs?" He asks.

Then she looks down at them in her hands.

"No matter where I put them on, they'll still be just pretty ornaments and nothing more." She says. "Well, what do you want to use them for Morg?" Aladdin asks her. "Oh, I don't know..." She replies.

"Yam told me this before. She said that when you're creating a new spell you need to know what you want to do with it first!" He smiles. "What I really want to do is... I want to be powerful enough that I could be of use to the both of you." She says.

"But you already are Morgiana! Yeah, it saved my life you know. The way you just tossed me up in the air like that, without you I never could've fought those enemies in the air." Alibaba says. "I remember you saved me too, you flew like the wind and carried me away!" Aladdin says also.

"It's so cool being with you Morg! With you, it feels like I and Alibaba have wings and can fly!" He laughs. "So with me, you feel like you can fly?" She questions. "Very well then!" She smiles. "Hey hold up, what were you imagining just then?" Alibaba says.

Before I felt even more out of place, I was on my way to the halls and to my brother's office. "Hey wait!" I feel someone grab my hand. I look back and see Alibaba, "What is it Alibaba?" I ask. "Where are you going (F/Name)?" He asks. I smile and he lets go, "I was on my way to my brother's office, I don't want to disturb your conversation much longer." I say.

"What are you talking about?" He asks stepping closer. I smile lightly, "I'm sorry prince Alibaba. But I don't want to be here because I haven't known anyone for long, and I feel somewhat out of place here..." I say. Then he frowns, "We may not have known each other long, and we may have just met, but, you're just as much of a friend to us as anyone else!" He grabs my hand and pulls me to his chest, and into a tight hug.

I blush a little

"P-Prince Alibaba," I say, then I rest my head on his chest. "Thank you... I've never had a friend around my age before, I've only had my brother and the eight generals as friends before." I say softly.

He smiles, but then right behind us approaches someone. "I'm sorry to interrupt. At the command of King Sinbad, I've been searching for you four." I see the prince of Kou, Ren Hakuryuu standing with his hand over his fist in respect.

Alibaba lets go and faces him. "Wait king Sinbad commanded you?" He asks. "Yes. He said that I should follow you around, spend time with you, and work along side you four. I'm very much looking forward to starting right away." He says.

He looks at Aladdin

"You are the magi right?" He walks over to him. "My sister Hakuei is greatly indebted to you for the Kouga plains. And also, I'm deeply grateful to you for saving her life." He clasps one of Aladdin's hands.

"Is your big sister doing well?" He asks. "Yes. At the moment she's traveling to the West, she's taken the Kouga clan with her to negotiate with other tribes." He follows.

"Such a scary look." The Kou princess says. I look over at Alibaba and he was glaring at them. Probably because the Kou is occupying Balbadd...

Then I look over at the prince, to see that he was already looking at me. My eyes widen and I look away from him. I'm just going to leave before things get more awkward around them...

I clear my throat and tap Alibaba's shoulder. He looks down at me. "Yes? What is it (F/Name)?" He asks. "I'm gonna go on ahead, I will see you later." I smile.

After I speak, I walk towards the halls, only to be stopped before it again. "Princess (F/Name), may I ask you about something?" I turn and see the black-haired prince. "Sure. What is it that you feel to inquire?" I ask. He looks over at Alibaba then back down at me. "Are you in love with Alibaba?" He says with a straight forward face.

I blush

"W-Wha kind of a question is that?" I stutter. He steps closer, which makes me take another step back. "Please tell me your answer, I need to know." While he is about 3 inches taller, I feel overpowered by his height.

"AUGHHHH!!" I snap my face towards where the others were and see Alibaba clutching his arm, on the ground.


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