"Mate.. Mate!! She's so close.. Find her!!" He could almost feel Roger clawing at him, as impatient and anxious as he himself. Without saying, Lewis charged at full speed. This time, he'll never let her go, no matter what others say. Even if he have to chain her up and lock her away for her to never leave him, may the lord forgive him he will do it. He couldn't bear to be without her again.

Spotting a single SUV along a dark and deserted road beside the forest. His wolf galloped and swooshed past the trees as he began chasing it. He could smell her and her scent was coming from the SUV.

"Go faster!! We're being chased dad!" Apparently Lewis wasn't the only one who smelled his mate. "What?!" Ralph Dunham sniffed the air and could briefly catch the smell of a very powerful and large werewolf trailing along the forest. He remembered! It's the Royal pack's future alpha king, son of the current one. He's that little bastard who hurt his daughter before, and he was enraged by that thought. Gripping the steering wheel tight, he sped the SUV forward. He don't know what he wants, but he'll protect her daughter from his pursuit.

Lilly twisted the hem of her dress nervously, surveying outside the window. She noticed the black werewolf shortly, and he was very fast, quickly catching up with their car. Victoria was watching intently as well, and she was shaking from fear. She thought he was knocked unconscious?? How did he recover so quickly?? And how did he find her?

A cluster of clouds engulfed the silver moon, casting a wide shadow over an area of the forest, but was rapidly blown away. However, the shadows went away along with the black wolf, and the only thing moving seemed to be their car.

"That's impossible.. We were all looking at him just now!" Victoria started to tear up a little. She was so confused and scared, she just wanted to leave this place. Surrounded by darkness, the car suddenly braked and Victoria was pulled out of her thoughts. She raised her head and her blood ran cold. A pair of blood shot eyes was staring back at her. She gasped when the black wolf stepped out of the shadows on the road in front of the car, his amber eyes resembling madness and fury.

"Ralph no!" Her mother shouted as her dad got out of the car. Despite being afraid, Victoria too ran out with her mom.

As he walked towards the black wolf in a threatening stride, Lewis sneered menacingly, warning him to not come near unless he wants to die. "You bastard!!" Ralph yelled and shifted, but his energy was far less dominant than the werewolf ahead.

"Dad please stop!!" Victoria screamed at him, but the two male wolfs were sneering and snapping at each other, neither backing down.

"Give me my mate back and I shall spare you." Lewis spoke stiffly, but anyone could hear the danger lacing in his voice.
"What?!" Ralph and Lilly both turned to look at their daughter and her first reaction was to look away, plagued by guilt. "Is it true Victoria?" Lilly shook her shoulders and asked solemnly. Victoria tried to calm her breathing and stop her voice from shaking, "No." She answered with the last of her false confidence.

Upon hearing her words, her denial of him, a dark energy started to radiate from him, his rage was coiling around them, making it hard to breathe. Lewis was trembling so badly as a deep growl rumbled from his chest, and he suddenly howled. The eeriness was cut off when he leaped forward like a lunatic straight for Victoria.

Ralph tried to block him but the next second, Lewis had his jaws around his neck and threw him off towards the side of the road like a rag doll. The male wolf whimpered from the impact but it wasn't enough to cause serious injury. "Ralph!!" "Dad!"

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