Chapter 4 - The girl of your dreams

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The air was thick and the forest clouded with fog. Tree branches were coated with thin layers of snow and the forest floor was littered with sparkling whites. The forest at dusk gave it a warm glow. The snow wasn't heavy. Tiny snowflakes like glitters fell down delicately. He looked around, confused as to where he is and how he got here. He turned to look at his surrounding, hoping to find his answers.
"Hello..? Is anybody here..?" He asked, to no one in particular. He heard the trees rustle, then the moonlight instantly dimmed. Pockets of light pierced through the tree canopies, faintly illuminating the dark forest.
It was then he noticed a shadow moving from the corner of his eyes. He snapped his head towards it and saw the figure shuffling hurriedly across the snow covered ground. He instinctually followed, tailing behind to see what or who it really is.
As he approached the mysterious figure, he saw that it was a lady who had dark, long straight hair, almost midnight blue under the light. They were decorated with metal head chains across the back of her head. Her soft white silky dress embroidered with lace and sheer material reached below her ankles, and a fine white coat hung on her shoulders loosely. With the slim dress flowing behind, she almost seemed gliding gracefully along the grass. Every silent step she took only amplifies the light jingling sound of her bracelet. Curious as to who she is, he called out to her and she immediately froze. After what felt like hours, she slowly turned her head around....

Lewis snapped his eyes wide open and sat up on his bed, looking around dazed. He frowned and then tried recalling the dream. It all seemed too surreal, he couldn't help but doubt his memory. 'Did it really happened?' He remembered the lady in white, the small little details but he didn't saw her face only her back view. 'Who is she? Why did she appear in my dreams?' He thought.
Shaking off the thoughts he rolled out of bed and went to freshen up. Changing into a fresh set of white button up shirt and black dress pants, he looked like he had nothing to do with the drunken man yesterday. He checked his iPhone and saw a message text from his father.

'My office at 12'

Checking his watch to see it's already 11 in the afternoon. So he proceeded down to the dining area and breakfast was served once he sat down, alone at the table. It was normal for him. He ate the scrambled egg and smoked bratwursts and had americano for coffee. No signs of hangover.

Crisp clinking of the ceramic plate with the fork and knife resonating softly in the spacious room. Lewis's etiquette was polished and elegant, quite a contrast with his nasty temper. But after all these years he was used to acting this way, or should he say this is the only way he wasn't going to get a beating from his father.

Once he's done he wiped his mouth using the napkins and left the table. Lewis walked up to his father's office and knocked twice before entering.

"What is it that you want?" He asked coldly.
The Alpha King looked up from his pile of office documents and leaned back behind his desk. The king had strings of grey lining a mop of dark brown hair and his moustache and beard was clean shaven. If anything he looks more domineering and scary to common people.

He scanned him quickly before giving him a stern eye contact.
"Don't give me this attitude Lewis. You know better than to come home drunk almost every other night. If you're not responsible eno-"

"If this is a pep talk I suggest you save it. Anything else?" he cut him off.
The alpha king glared at him with much contempt before Lewis spoke up again.
"I'll take that as a no." With that he turned his heels towards the door.

"The Alpha princess Juliette of Belgium has agreed to pay us a visit next month. And also Noble lady Bridgett, daughter of Earl Delano in France would be coming after."

Lewis didn't looked back and continued walking.
"You have already met so many of them. All of them have suitable qualities and family backgrounds. Why is it so damn hard for you to choose one??" He raised his voice. The Alpha King had set up countless meetings and dinners just for Lewis to choose a bride. He was gradually getting sick and tired of him rejecting them.

He knew Lewis is still waiting to find his mate before making up his mind, however it's utterly absurd to him. His mate could be a common she-wolf or maybe even lower than that. He has no choice. He'll eventually have to choose someone that can be of use and power to their family. There's no time for some silly love story or fairytales. Does he really think he's some little boy waiting to fall in love? To the king, Lewis is just a piece of the chess, someone to take over his empire once he's gone.

"I'll give you one more year Lewis. If you still cannot decide after you turn 22, I will do it for you."
"I already told you th-"
"My words are final. Now you're dismissed." He pointed to the door with his pen and returned to work.

Clenching his jaws, Lewis gave one last glare to his father and slammed the door shut. He knew this day would come. But no matter how much he tries to prepare for this, he will never accept his father's arrangements.

Victoria's POV
After talking to my mother the other day, Megan, Heather and Keith had came over that night to the pack house to console me. Although Keith isn't from our pack, Alpha Trenton was already familiar with him so he could come over frequently with us. Since they wanted to cheer me up, we ended up having a movie night in Megan's room. We had made some pop corns and fries, while they had gotten 4 tubs of ice creams beforehand to share. I had chosen chick flicks movies 'White Chicks' and 'She's the man'.

We were laughing hysterically all the way at the funny scenes in the movies. Then we have had our little chit chat session. Towards the end I could care less about the incident with Jason. The three of them seriously have a way with me I'm not gonna lie. I love them all.

Megan, Heather and I were now shopping for the dresses we would be wearing to Rowan's 21st. Since his birthday this year is Victorian themed, we had to go find some antique stores that do rent out Victorian style dresses. After finding a few, we went in and browsed through the selections they have. We tried on and requested personal alterations for better fit.
"Alright thank you for your purchases. The dresses will be ready by tomorrow. See ya then!" The store owner exclaimed. After which, we bought chinese takeouts and drove back home, singing along to the radio. We were all pretty fired up since it's our first time wearing Victorian dresses.

-Time Lapse to the next day (Lewis birthday party)-

The three of us picked up our dresses from the store and they looked really awesome. Megan had the baby blue dress, Heather chose the golden dress and mine was white. We rented some accessories like gloves and vintage lace fans, you know just for fun. Since we had to leave by 6pm we quickly bathed and did our own make up. Heather ended up braiding my hair and I curled hers and Megan's hair. Once we were done with those, it was time for the troublesome part.

We slipped into our dresses one person at a time since someone has to tighten and tie the corset while the other help hold the dress and straighten them out. By the time we finished, we were out of breath. Literally! Being a woman is so much trouble I swear. I sprayed my Chanel perfume on my neck and inner wrist generously.

All of us sat down waiting for our Alpha and Luna to get everything ready. Since there's a few number of girls going, plus a fair share of teenage boys, we need quite a lot of SUVs to fit us all in. Then I absentmindedly played with my silver locket necklace my parents had given me on my 16th birthday.

"Victoria come on down..!" My dad shouted down the hallway.
"Coming.. What's wrong dad?" I said. My parents exchanged glances and smiled lovingly before my dad turned to face me. He raised his hands and opened his palms, causing a small silver locket necklace to dangle in front of me. My eyes popped out as I took the necklace and examined it carefully. The intriguing carvings and the gemstone in the center looked so pretty.
"Honey we want you to have this. It will keep us close to your heart wherever you go. It's your lucky charm now; it will keep you safe." My dad explained looking at me.
I opened the locket to find a small picture of our family. The other side had engravings that reads 'Family. Life's greatest blessing.'
"Oh my gosh mom, dad thank you so much! This is the best birthday present ever!" I bear hugged them and then my mom helped to put on the necklace on me.
*Flashback ends*

Until now I have always worn this locket necklace wherever I go. It does feel like my parents were being kept close to me all this while. A hand waving in front of me broke me out of my trance. I laughed and hooked arms with Megan and Heather and I bid my parents goodbye. Then we left the pack house and got on the SUV with Alpha Trenton and Luna Renee.

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