Chapter 22 - Half Brothers

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Lewis's POV
I was beside the alpha king and the queen at the gates of the royal mansion, standing on one leg, with hands in my pocket. And waiting on my right was my beta, and then the higher ranks behind us. Probably the only one excited here would be the queen.

Hundreds of werewolves in the royal pack gathered around, annoying chattering scattered the place. Everyone was thrilled to see the queen's sons, except me. The two of them studied abroad in Germany and has yet to graduate. The eldest Chace, aged 18 and youngest Lucas, aged 16.

A black SUV rounded up the driveway and stopped near the gate entrance. The mummers of the people and fawning of shewolfs proved that it's who we wait for in that car. And that smell... something foreign for 4 years, which I was glad to rid of.

The chauffeur ran towards the door and opened it for the two royal pain in the ass. The crowd watched in awe and admiration for the young princes. Lucas stepped out first and his platinum blonde hair and ice blue eyes shone brightly under the sun. He flashed his megawatts smile and winked at the group of shewolfs, who had no problem waving back at him desperately.

The alpha king growled at little at his action and I smiled to myself. As expected from the queen's youngest son, to anger his father. Well, it's one of reasons why I hated this brother lesser than the other.

Chace, the queen's first born, came out wearing his shades. He eyed me from a distance and a huge smirk crept up his face, before revealing the same pair of ice blue eyes. Both of them had it from the queen, but Chace's raven black hair came from the king. I on the other hand, had the alpha king's amber eyes and my mother's brown hair.

A third person stepped out of the car, and I frowned at the female wolf. It must be Chace's mate Sawyer was talking about. He wrapped his hands around her and they scrolled towards us.

"Father." Lucas greeted with a cheeky grin, like he already knew he was pissing him off on the first day. The king cleared his throat with a grim look as Chace did that same.
"Mother, it's great to see you." The queen beamed ecstatically and kissed her two precious sons. "You have grown so much Chace! And you too Lucas." One can see that she's resisting to shriek because she had an image to maintain in front all the werewolves.

"Your grace. My queen." The shewolf bowed with a german accent. "Mother, this is my mate, Faye Winter." Chace announced smugly. The queen nodded with a questioning look and then ushered them into the mansion.

"Welcoming them like we're squires. How wonderful."
"Too bad for you they're your stepbrothers." Roger said.

The crowd soon dispersed and we were seated at the lounge area. They had their luggage brought in by the helpers. Chace sat down like he owned the place and looked around. "Nothing's really changed much didn't it?"

"It's still the same." The queen smiled. "Your room and Lucas's are on the third level, as before. I had your rooms cleaned before you arrive."

"Good." Chace answered. He turned and made a shocked face when he saw me. "Brother?? Didn't see you there." He arise and got close to me, eyes threatening. "I've missed you, brother." His tone was anything but friendly. Chace suddenly hugged me and tightened his arms. "So much."

I gave him a passive look and my hands were still in the pocket. At the corner of my eye, I could sense Sawyer was ready to defence me if need be. "How long.. will you be staying here, dear brother." I replied. He grinned widely, "Long enough. in fact, we're having a year long break from the school in Germany."

"Oh that's wonderful, my son." The queen perks up and sensing the hostility, she changed the subject quickly. "I'm sure a pack run would make a good celebration on the return of the two princes!" The council agreed on it and decided a pack run would be held on the second night. The wolves congratulated the two of them on their return and asks for the alpha king, regarding some pack issues. Soon, they scurried out of the lounge room with the king and left us in there.

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