third persons p.o.v

Amina , badia's mum  got up early morning woked her husband ahmad,  ahmad got ready to leave for masjid but his wife wouldn't leave him. She suggest that he lead them in prays. atleast today is his daughters wedding and she's feeling anxious, all she wanted was him by her side. It took alot of nagging before ahmad agreed to stay and lead her to prayers. They prayed and all went back to sleep. soon Amina woke up and headed to the kitchen to start on some work, because they would be alot to cover.
She woke Maria ,Badia's younger sister to help out. She didn't wake badia or her friend Abida because she doesn't  want to disturb them.
it's badias wedding day. Maria helped Mrs. Ahmad with calls and some choirs.
They worked almost throughout the morning. Mrs. Ahmad decided to wake her husband Ahmad but he wouldn't wake up,she thought
he most have been deep in his sleep, she teases him but he didn't respond, Amina took out the jug placed on their  bedside drawer and decided to pour  the water in it  on him. To her greatest surprise he didn't even move nor shiver. her Ahmad that can't stand cold water today didn't respond." Am afraid,  you are scaring me, please stand up "she cried.
She placed her head on his chest and his heart was not beating she screamed and Maria came running.
"mum what's  wrong? " she asked . her mum couldn't utter a word but pointed to her dad.
Maria went to her Dad but there she saw her liveless father laying down on the bed, all pale looking blue.
she sobbed and called for an ambulance. suddenly they heard the door open and badia fainted on the sight of her father been covered from head to toe. Abida catches her before she could touch the ground and made her lay on the couch in the room.  Mr.ahmad was buried immediately after taking him to the hospital were they issued them a death certificate stating he died of natural causes.


I woked up late.  today's my wedding day and it didn't feel like it
I was not excited , all I  cared about is to get down with it.

After taking a shower my phone started ringing , I took the phone and saw that it was Ammi calling, 
what now !, I groan.
Ammi will start now with all the wedding ..ish I thought and took the call, hello ammi " I greeted.

"morning",  she said.

"Abid is about your wedding", said Ammi.
And I couldn't be certain of what I was feeling, is it nervousness or relief

"what about it ammi", I asked chalantly.

"it's not going to hold today "replied ammi

wow , God must have heard my prayers , finally I would be left alone ,I thought but why  I started to think

"Abid are you there?".

"yes ammi "I said as I was knocked out of my thoughts.
I could hear ammi's voice a little shakey but  why I wondered

are you ok?" ammi I asked.
Badia's Dad... ", Ammi's voice shivered.
What about him Ammi ? ", i ask.
"Her Dad pass away this morning",  she final spoke after a what seemed like eternity of silence.

"innalillahi wainnailaihirrajiun. All soul belongs to Allah. ." I said.
"You should get ready and go there for his burial and sitting" said ammi.
i and Ruba had already left  "she added and then hung up.

I was devasted , I had nothing against badia. she is a really nice girl, I won't wish ill on her , not even this , to her . I started to wonder in what state she was , how must she have felt, how is she handling this , how She has taken ,this.
Alot  of questions started to ponder in my head.
I remembered how I felt when I lost my Dad.
I felt sorry for her and mournfull.
Poor badia I thought as I took my phone and dialled her number but it was busy. I dialled again and again, but she wouldn't pick the call.
I was lucky when she picked the call on my last attempt though
She wasn't able to say much but kept weeping , I felt sorry .
I consoled her and gave her my condolences.  soon I got ready and left for her place.


Dad is gone , I can't believe this.
I kept crying , all I could see is people coming in and giving their condolences which made me wept the more. the only man I cared about is gone. now I have no one. I kept weeping, Abida was trying to console me but was weeping too her self. Abida was quite close to Dad and everyone at home too.
She was like thier third daughter. There I saw Abid's mum and sister, but where is he , I wondered.
My eyes kept roaming around , with the slightest hope, that I could see him.
How could he not have come.
Does he hates me this much , I thought.
I can't believe I was going to marry him I mutter. when suddenly his call came in. I kept staring at the screen of my phone and weeping all over till the call cut. he called again on the second ring I picked. He consoled me and said that his on his way. I don't know why but I felt a little bit relieved. I felt better and had the feeling all will be well. today will forever be green in my memory I thought.
Abid and everyone that cared came.
It was now night and my eyes were getting  heavier by the minute .
Most of the guests have left, leaving a few whom will stay over .
The night rolled fast,
It is now 12pm and I  hadn't sleep, i was unable to .
I took the pills Abid gave me earlier when he came,  he asked me to take it as for I was crying all day and I might fall ill if I didn't rest or  take anything to help me rest , when i told him i couldn't bring my mind at ease .
As I was restless I took my diary and wrote on it.
I gave some Maria whom was going to spend the night in my room and and Abida some pills too.
and asked them to take it. I asured them they will feel better.
  We all took the pill and finally fell asleep.

Death is inevitable,
Only when we are at our lowest do we know those  that really care.
Kindly press that star (votes😉).
~ with lurv;

Mending a broken heart.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن